#ColorFontWeek – Design In Color
If you haven’t yet, you should try designing with OpenType-SVG color fonts. Color fonts is a new type technology developed by Adobe and its partners, enabling you to use an entirely new type of font.
This new type of font rendering technology was recently added to Illustrator CC, and now when you install color fonts to your system, you can create projects that use fonts with characteristics like colors, transparencies and gradients, which were simply not available in traditional fonts.
Beginning this week, we’re partnering with Fontself to showcase the possibilities of color fonts and how they can be an incredible asset in your next creative endeavor. Follow us on #colorfontweek to see projects and get inspiration from projects that leverage color fonts. You’ll get tips and tricks on using color fonts, and you will also learn more about this technology, including how to create your own color fonts with Fontself Maker, an extension for creating fonts in Illustrator CC & Photoshop CC.
Additionally, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for #colorfontweek to get exclusively free color fonts from select designers every day this whole week, and to discover inspirational projects that leverage color fonts. These fonts are only available for free until Sun, 11/5 so don’t miss out!
Here are the OpenType-SVG color fonts and designers that will be featured this week:
**Monday, Oct 30
**Designer Name: Alex Trochut
Font Name: MEGAZERO (Download available now)
**Tuesday, Oct 31
**Designer Name: Yai Salinas
Font Name: Aires (Download available 10/31)
**Wednesday, Nov 1
**Designer Name: Igor Petrovic
Font Name: Popsky (Download available 11/1)
**Thursday, Nov 2
**Designer Name: Maria Grønlund
Font Name: Abelone (Download available 11/2)
**Friday, Nov 3
**Designer Name: Matt Lyon
Font Name: Playbox (Download available 11/3)
If you have any cool designs or creations you’ve made with color fonts, don’t forget to share it with #colorfontweek. We’ll be resharing your work on Twitter!