Adobe Analytics Announces Breakthroughs To Help Experience-Led Businesses
Adobe reached out to nearly 1200 digital marketing executives across North America and Europe to understand trends, their challenges, and priorities to put together its annual 2017 Digital Marketing Study, and the results have been nothing short of astounding! The number of companies with an advanced level of digital maturity have more than doubled (up 118 percent) in the last year. Diving a little deeper, more than 70 percent of the respondents consider “whole customer intelligence” and “connected (customer) experiences” to be “very important” investment areas over the next three years!
The Adobe Analytics Cloud team has been reading the tea leaves across the world’s leading brands, gleaning insights from their customer journeys across multiple marketing channels (devices and touchpoints) in an age of mobile and social where contextual clarity is indispensable. As the market leader, Adobe Analytics has consistently been at the cutting edge delivering meaningful customer intelligence for its customers’ experience businesses.
Today, Adobe Analytics is announcing its 2017 Fall Release, advancing its vision to empower marketers, product managers, and business decision makers across all levels to understand user (or customer) journeys in all audience segments and instantly giving marketers additional insights that can guide the optimization of multi-channel campaigns and enact personalization strategies downstream.
It is doing so by introducing the following breakthrough innovations:
Shattering boundaries to inform holistic customer experiences.
Firstly, with the introduction of Audience Analytics, Adobe is breaking down boundaries across customer audience data and analytics to enable a connected bilateral data flow between its Adobe Analytics (with behavioral, engagement metrics) and its data management platform (DMP) Adobe Audience Manager, which will bring disparate data sources like media exposure, CRM attributes, 2nd and 3rd party data, and offline data. This sea of (big) data from Audience Manager can now be woven together with site or app metrics and customer engagement data (collected by Adobe Analytics) to get a 360-degree view of a customer, and it can be subsequently processed in the analytics engine to derive people-centric “whole customer intelligence,” a capability that is much needed in the Digital Marketing Study.
A leading cruise line and subsidiary of Carnival Cruises, Holland America, is already seeing significant business benefits using Audience Analytics. By pulling in campaign data from Audience Manager into Adobe Analytics, they are now able to determine which campaigns are generating the most customer responses and thereby boosting direct-response campaign conversions by 30 percent.
After deploying Audience Analytics, T-Mobile saw some custom audience segments are now attached to far more web visits compared to previous workaround methods, which did not stitch on single page visits. This improvement ensures a more accurate measure of KPIs by audience segment.
Unprecedented business insights for everyone.
Secondly, Adobe is introducing several advancements to its widely-recognized Analysis Workspace — a drag-and-drop analytical canvas powered by Adobe Sensei-based AI and machine learning algorithms — to democratize data-driven decision making across lines of businesses — LOBs — (or what we would like to call the Modern Intelligence Team, which no longer needs to depend on their data-scientist colleagues for all analytics queries). The essence of making this happen lies in the ability to manifest complex, big, data-based analytics into simple, intuitive, and self-serve visualizations that can help take these LOBs from seeing descriptive reports to automated, real-time, and prescriptive actions.
Some of the new capabilities being introduced this Fall in Analytics Workspace include empowering more people to use Adobe’s AI platform, Sensei-driven Contribution Analysis capability; Map Visualizations to enable users to easily view their customer interactions in context of their location; Virtual Report Suite Component Curation to enable users to make data sharing easy, intuitive and relevant across multiple groups in an organization; and Zero-State improvements to make Analysis Workspace more intuitive and easy for novice users.
True context-driven customer journey analytics.
Finally Adobe is introducing the industry’s first context-aware session reporting capability to flexibly and appropriately define customer engagement with your brand across different channels like the traditional web, mobile app, or even a digital voice assistant. Why is this significant? Well, for the simple reason that users engage with brands across these marketing channels that have their own sweet spot or an average meaningful “session” length needed to get a task accomplished. For instance, you might have an average 20-30 minute session browsing on a company’s website researching something, then spend 4-5 minutes on the mobile app while on your train-ride home, and then maybe a quick minute asking your digital assistant about that brand while going to bed.
Context-Aware Sessions, as the name suggests, enables a flexible way of defining your session lengths (at report-time) based on channel-specific context and your objectives (in a Virtual Report Suite). This breakthrough innovation not only helps you define these sessions non-destructively — underlying data is collected on the server-side and remain unchanged — but also can be applied retroactively, making true multi-channel customer journey analysis a real possibility in the near future!
In conclusion, Adobe Analytics is announcing a series of innovations to advance the Analytics Cloud vision of being the core system of intelligence for the experience business by further helping brands glean connected, people-centric customer intelligence that can be democratized across multiple roles (beyond the data-scientist) in any organization today.