Making the Right Connections
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Now that people can connect almost anything to the internet — including their cars, homes, and clothes — the market for solutions from Silicon Labs is wide open. Unfortunately, the company’s old .NET web content management (WCM) system couldn’t provide the scale or speed that the company needed to support growth.
By leveraging Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe Target in Adobe Marketing Cloud, and Adobe Analytics in Adobe Analytics Cloud, the provider of semiconductor and software solutions for the internet of things (IoT) gains scale, flexibility, and efficiency.
“One of the fundamental differences between Adobe Experience Manager and other CMS options is its usability,” says Kamran Shah, Director of Corporate Marketing at Silicon Labs. “It’s designed with the marketer in mind so our business leads can control simple enhancements to our design changes without burdening IT resources.”
Through improved audience understanding, content personalization, and multi-device delivery, Silicon Labs has increased its digital conversion rate by 15 percent. Using Experience Manager Managed Services also helps the company maximize its marketing resources — helping to reduce the amount of time it takes to make website changes from one week to 20 minutes.
Silicon Labs is using tags in Adobe Experience Manager, integrated with the marketing automation platform Marketo, to tag and track the 5,000 technical documents stored in Experience Manager Assets. By tracking 100 percent of activity for lead scoring, the company has seen a 150-percent improvement in product-interest accuracy.
The analysis and comparison of tag segments using Adobe Analytics is also helping Silicon Labs better identify what drives purchase decisions. Leveraging this information in AB tests through Adobe Target helps the company more easily determine which promotional strategies are resonating with customers.
Silicon Labs is planning to add additional solutions and capabilities in Adobe Experience Cloud that will help drive continued interest in its IoT solutions.