Adobe Worldwide Tech Comm Survey 2017–2018

Hello TechComm Professionals,

We are pleased to announce the launch of Adobe Tech Comm Survey 2017-18

It’s our constant endeavor to improve our products in order to meet your ever-changing requirements. For this, we would love to hear your feedback and understand the key developments that are influencing the way you work with technical content. This survey is conducted annually in order to build on the existing trends and draw insights from the same.The purpose of this year’s survey is to understand how you create, publish, and distribute content, engage with end users and measure your content effectiveness. We want to understand which tools you use, how you use them and how they can be improved. Which are the new trends in technical communication industry which will impact how you work with technical content in future?

You can take the survey here:

It does not matter if you use Adobe products or not. As long as you are a Tech Comm professional and want your voice to be heard, here is your chance. Please spare 10 minutes of your precious time to fill out the survey and stand a chance to win one of the 25 exciting prizes!

Survey Logistics

Here is your opportunity to share your opinions, influence the direction of Adobe TechComm products and win some cool prizes. We are definitely listening!