Celebrating women in technology at Grace Hopper conference

Every year we look forward to highlighting our women in technology at Grace Hopper Celebration in India (GHCI). We take pride in the fact that we have established a legacy of impactful women there, and this year was no different. At GHCI 2017, three of our talented women in technology took the stage to talk about their experience at Adobe, what projects they’ve been working on, and the kinds of opportunities they’ve had. Hear what our women in technology had to say about their experience:

Niharika Gupta, core technologies & products

GHC 2017 has been the most invigorating experience I have had in a long time. It is thrilling to see how companies are encouraging women employees in their workforce to excel in their careers. Attending GHCI without a doubt has left me inspired. I felt a tangible energy in the room when I spoke to fellow women in tech and heard their stories. When you see what people are working on and what inspires them, it makes you feel like you are collectively moving towards something meaningful and worthwhile. I personally brought back a renewed feeling of self-worth, confidence, and excitement. I’m happy I got this opportunity to present at the conference!

Banani Ghosh, core technologies & products

Participating and presenting at GHCI 2017 was a dream come true! I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to meet and interact with women leaders in the field of technology. Witnessing such great ideas and latest technologies was awe-inspiring! It made me realize that all women who have achieved success in technology once started in a comparable way. We all come from varied backgrounds, but we face similar struggles – the struggle to fit in, the struggle to be confident, the struggle to have faith in ourselves. Women play varied roles and responsibilities in their personal life, but owing to the strong determination and passion for technology, they can reach the peak of success. Although the Grace Hopper Celebration may be over, the celebration of women in computing should never end – each one of us should celebrate ourselves every day! While we may all be in this field for several reasons, we still all have this goal: to celebrate being women in computing.

Tanvi Dharmarha, core technologies & products

GHCI is a great platform for women in computing to connect, inspire, and guide other women, and organizations that view technology innovation as a strategic imperative. Apart from the sessions, GHCI gave me a chance to network with women from different organizations and domains and exchange insights, which was an extremely valuable experience. As a speaker representing Adobe, my prep journey was smooth and enriching. Adobe has been instrumental in providing support and encouragement throughout the conference journey – from reviewing papers for submission to GHCI to reviewing presentations for content and clarity after selection. Attending this global event was a great learning experience and I am grateful that I got a chance to represent women at Adobe, life at Adobe and technology at Adobe!

Interested in working for Adobe? Browse our career site and you may be attending Grace Hopper next year!