Ten things you need to know — 8/12/17

Wel­come to ‘Ten things you need to know’ — the first in what will hope­ful­ly be a fort­night­ly explo­ration of…er…news! Inter­est­ing and friv­o­lous things from the inter­net! Occa­sion­al nuggets of inspi­ra­tion for mar­keters! That sort of thing, real­ly. The idea is that this will be a reg­u­lar inbox drop of links which will hope­ful­ly help with your pro­fes­sion­al lives and which might on occa­sion pro­vide you with some­thing that you can amuse and impress your col­leagues with. Giv­en that this is the first one, we’d love to hear from you about what is use­ful, what isn’t, what you’d like more of and what we should nev­er, ever men­tion again — feed­back is always wel­come (except the sort deliv­ered with knives). We hope you like it…

Cred­it: Iggy Smalls — https://www.instagram.com/norsksalami/

Cred­it: Michael Dumon­tier and Neil Far­ber — http://personalmessageblog.blogspot.co.uk

Cred­it: Lisa Court­ney — http://lisacourtneyfineart.com