What’s new in the December 2017 release of Character Animator CC
The latest update to Character Animator CC contains improvements to triggers and a few bug fixes.
Eye animation improvements makes your puppet more expressive
What’s new in the December 2017 release of Character Animator CC
The latest update to Character Animator CC contains improvements to triggers and a few bug fixes.
Improvements to trigger setup and editing
We’ve improved triggers! Dragging a puppet group into the Triggers panel now creates a trigger for the group instead of a swap set. You can still create a swap set of triggers by right-clicking the group in the Puppet panel and then choosing Create Swap Set. Additionally, the “+” button in the Triggers panel is now available all the time, so that you can create an initial empty trigger or swap set. And we made a little fix so that cycles that are shared by more than one trigger now behave correctly.
Bug fixes
We also fixed a few things. They are listed below:
- Renaming a project item and then clicking away from the text field, no longer results in an error message.
- Double-clicking a Character Animator project file launches the application when the background is being used for Dynamic Link. (Mac only)
Puppets and the puppet panel
- Adding an independent group to an artwork file now sets the group in the puppet to Auto attach style (Attach To = Auto), instead of the group’s parent origin handle.
- Changing a puppet’s Attach To or Attach Style settings no longer runs slowly when working on large projects.
- Showing the Puppet panel for a previously-opened puppet for the first time in a session after renaming the puppet no longer shows an error message.
- Viewing an opened puppet that was renamed after the project was saved under a different name no longer shows an error message.
- Importing a puppet with shared parts a second time — following the renaming of the imported puppet after the first time — no longer shows an error message.
Recording, playback, and the Timeline panel
- A duplicated puppet track with triggers now shows the duplicated trigger bars in the Timeline panel.
Controls panel
- MIDI events received when opening an unshared puppet group that has no triggers (i.e., the Triggers panel is blank) no longer show an error message.
Dynamic link
- An Character Animator scene imported into After Effects is no longer lost (i.e., the footage appears as missing) if the project containing the scene has a .puppet file imported or another project imported into it.