Why You Should Focus On Content Marketing To Be Successful
Content is one of the most important ways to connect with customers. Advertisements have their place, but consumers have learned to trust the brands that provide useful and relevant information tapping directly into their interests and needs. Since we spend so much of our lives online now, it makes sense to meet your customers there, to offer them experiences they’ll value.
Technology continuously evolves—as do customer expectations. They demand speed and relevance. They want to feel engaged. This provides more opportunities for brands to connect and build those all-important customer relationships, to establish your authority, increase your digital footprint, provide value in a meaningful but unobtrusive way, and drive traffic to your website.
Content marketing has become so important that some brands have developed “head of content” roles. It’s a new area without the traditional parameters of, say, an accounting team, whose roles are more clearly defined. View this as an opportunity to display your brand’s personality, and commit yourself to creating content that builds relationships in ways that other strategies may not.
This focus on content doesn’t come without risk. Many of these professionals may lack the leadership skills required to think beyond their small sector to the company as a whole. They may struggle to communicate the importance of their department’s work to company leaders—but that is a vital part of the job, since producing content requires money.
So heads of content need to be storytellers with the vision to engage existing and future customers, but they must also have the ability to demonstrate that this strategy will generate revenue. They are communicating a brand’s identity, reinforcing its legacy, entertaining and enlightening customers while steering them toward the kinds of experiences that cement their loyalty. All of this takes time. When recruiting for this role, look for someone with business acumen as well as that creative spark.
Think about the content your brand is producing. How are you defining your personality as a brand through content? Is your current output helping you develop better relationships with customers? Are you using every available resource, including video and audio content, memes, infographics, and more? Do you have the creative leadership required to drive an effective content marketing strategy?