Customers Belong In The Centre Of APAC Brand Strategies
Disruption caused by modern technology can inadvertently divert businesses’ attention away from their customers.
Disruption caused by modern technology can inadvertently divert businesses’ attention away from their customers. Therefore, in 2018 CMOs and other digital leaders are encouraged to embark on a deliberate pursuit of putting their customers first.
This mandate represents a value system in which a company’s alignment of operations, production, and internal controls centre around the consumer. It emphasizes building long-term, interactive relationships by focusing on service, satisfaction, and engagement.
Singapore Airlines is one example of an Asian brand that priorities its customers across all aspects of operations. For instance, in-flight supervisors travel with the crew to ensure high standards of service and teamwork. The observational feedback serves as motivation for innovations and improvements. Indeed, Singapore Airlines works in great detail with customer journeys and touch points to ensure a high-level, end-to-end experience.
Journey Into The Unconscious
Consumer behaviour creates all kinds of demands on digital leaders—namely, providing an experience that makes the purchaser feel special. Nail that and you will have yourself a loyal customer. Fall short and you’re likely to hear all about it on social media.
Indeed, we know that modern consumers are aware of their voices, with no qualms in holding a company accountable on the digital stage. To avoid such scrutiny, special attention must be paid to their demands and, more importantly, their unconscious behaviour.
The reality is that people do not always know what they want and aren’t always aware of what persuades them. Brands should be independently observing customers to understand what motivates them rather than simply relying on what they say. Technology advancements are incredibly helpful here and will continue to change the way companies understand their markets.
Put another way, using technology for customer-centric reasons is imperative to a thriving business. This is why CMOs must take ownership of ensuring consumer-centricity is front of mind across departments and considered in companywide decisions, including technology selection.
C-Suite Collaboration
An effective customer-centric business is founded on a collaborative C-suite. The CMO and CIO/CTO should be seen as strategic sources of innovation, transformation, revenue generation, and customer satisfaction to build and sustain brand equity. With access to every transaction and data point that passes through various company systems, CIOs/CTOs can advise CMOs on the best technology to assist in revealing specific market insights.
Alibaba, for example, runs very powerful algorithms that allow the brand to serve its customers better based on real-time insights about their needs. The brand has access to an enormous pool of data that enables Alibaba to constantly evolve and improve its operations and provide better experiences for its customers.
All that said, it’s important that strategies remain agile enough to shift but firm enough to land results. For example, a customer-centric approach should be able to ride technological changes and still drive results. With that in mind, digital leaders can safeguard and take their businesses to the next competitive level.
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