A Pay Parity Milestone
Donna Morris, executive vice president of Customer & Employee Experience, announced Adobe achieved pay parity in India at an employee meeting on Jan. 30.
Today we’re excited to announce that we have achieved pay parity in India between women and men. Building off our achievement of pay parity in the U.S., we have now closed the wage gap between our male and female employees in 80 percent of our employee population.
To get here, we undertook a review of our global job structure and analyzed our compensation practices, then made small adjustments where needed. Of course, ensuring pay parity at one point in time isn’t enough — we need to maintain this same level of fairness moving forward.
Steps we’re taking in both the U.S. and India to ensure we have strong practices include:
- Reviewing our job descriptions to ensure they use gender-neutral language.
- Carefully scoping the requirements and responsibilities of each job at Adobe to ensure roles are properly matched against market, and drive fair and competitive pay for employees and candidates.
- No longer asking a candidate for their previous salary to avoid compounding pay inequity that may have occurred with previous employers.
Our next opportunity is to focus on pay parity for the remaining 20 percent of our employees around the world. That will be another big step in creating an innovative and productive work environment for all employees.