Can you Use Adobe Experience Cloud Solutions to Create a Life-saving Mobile App?

Our Adobe Customer Solutions teams show you can with the Smart Emergency Response App

Getting immediate and appropriate help in an emergency can prevent a difficult situation from turning into a tragic one. The Smart Emergency Response (SmartER) app, a prototype created by our consultants aimed to do just that. Developed using four powerful solutions from the Adobe Experience Cloud, this app can be used in multiple situations—from vehicular breakdowns and medical emergencies to accidents and kidnappings

The current emergency response scenario in many places requires a person in distress to look up and dial an emergency number. They are then required to explain the nature of their emergency to the operator, as well as provide their location.

What can an app like the SmartER do?

The app can immediately notify authorities, as well as loved ones, in case of an emergency. It also has a feature that notifies other app-users in the vicinity and the nearest police station/patrol vehicle.

All this can be done by simply accessing the app, or even by a mere shake of the phone!

Key features that make this app include:

Powered by Adobe Experience Cloud solutions

Our consultants used four of the most powerful Experience Cloud solutions to create this app:

The impact of such an app can be huge as it saves lives of road accident victims. This innovative approach to problem-solving is a great example of the collective power of Adobe Experience Cloud.

This app was conceptualized by Reji Thomas & Pradeep Subramanian from Adobe Customer Solutions