Announcing Latest Updates to the Lightroom CC Ecosystem
Today we’re proud to release updates to the entire Lightroom CC ecosystem, including updates for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS. We’ve optimised performance, added support for new cameras and lenses, and added some great new features for desktop and Android.
Our primary focus with this release was internal beauty, as we put a lot of effort into tuning and improving stability. In Lightroom CC on Mac and Windows, you’ll notice big improvements like moving to the next photo, grid scrolling, and exporting, while all apps have become a lot more stable. Download the latest updates here and let us know what you think.
The February update includes other great features across the ecosystem:
LrCC desktop
Add copyright to imported images
The new Copyright preference (listed under Preferences -> General) enables you to automatically include your copyright on all photos added to Lightroom CC. All images added after you enable this preference will include your copyright.
LrCC Android
Geometry tab — premium editing features
Now the most powerful tools for correcting perspective distortion are available on a mobile device. Use the Auto Upright tools to automatically identify how to correct your photo or use the incredibly precise Guided Upright tool to take complete control over your photo.
Additional control provided with the Geometry sliders helps you take the correction even further.
Available now on Android devices and coming soon to iOS.
Add watermark on export
First introduced for mobile on iOS and now available on Android, you can use the Watermark feature to add a text-based watermark when you share or save your photos. You can find this feature under the Preferences > Sharing Options menu.
Search your Lightroom library with Google Assistant — premium feature
Our Adobe Sensei-based search algorithms are now accessible from your phone’s home screen. Open the Google Assistant and, for example, say, “Search mountains in Lightroom” to launch Lightroom and find matching photos. This feature requires an internet connection and Android Marshmallow or later.
Add photos to Lightroom from your favourite apps
A new “Add to Lr” option is now available within the share sheet of your favourite apps, enabling you to send photos from another app directly into your Lightroom library, making it easier than ever to get all of your photos into Lightroom.