A Purpose-Driven Workforce Is Taking Over—‘And That’s Great News’

David Baldwin, CEO of ad agency Baldwin&, discusses the seismic shift occurring in the marketing landscape and how brands can reach the next generation of influencers.

A Purpose-Driven Workforce Is Taking Over—‘And That’s Great News’

“If you have an opportunity to make the world work a little bit better, have a positive effect around the people that use your products—why wouldn’t you do that?”

So states David Baldwin, CEO of Baldwin&, an advertising, design, and strategy company in Raleigh, N.C. Baldwin is also the CMO of Ponysaurus Brewing Company, a film producer and, most recently, an author. His book, “The Belief Economy — How to Give a Damn, Stop Selling, and Create Buy-in,” takes a look at the seismic shift occurring in the marketing landscape and how brands can reach the next generation of influencers.

“The point of this book is to help people sell more stuff,” he says in this episode of Marketing Today. “It’s not about not selling stuff, and it’s not about not making money. It’s about doing all of that but also having a positive effect while you’re doing it.”

During the course of the podcast, he offers his take on Millennials and iGen, who he sees as the key players in the Belief Economy.

“We better figure out what they’re about, we better figure out how they’re wired, and we better figure out how to change the way we talk to them,” he said. “If you are being true to who you are, and you’re smart about getting aligned with the people out there who love that, I think you can win.”

Highlights from this week’s “Marketing Today” podcast include:


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