So-Called Social: Week of February 12

Your weekly dose of social news

It’s FRI-YAY! Oh what a week. Who’s watching the Olympics? (RAISES HAND). I’ll still never understand Curling. Don’t judge me. While the world’s best athletes were breaking records this week, here’s what happened in social media. (Equally as awesome. I swear.)****

Social nets update stuff

Say goodbye to secretly screenshotting Instagram Stories. The platform is testing out a feature that will show users when someone else takes a screenshot of their story. It sounds like they’re only testing this for now to see whether engagement drops once people can no longer screenshot in peace.

Instagram is testing its own version of the retweet, but through Stories. It sounds like people will be able to share someone else’s public post to their own Story by tapping the existing share button (you know, for DMs) but instead add the post to their Story. This will allow anyone who follows them to be able to see the post and then tap on the re-shared post to see the original version.

From the Super Bowl to the Olympics, I really don’t know what I can say around here anymore. In any case, Snapchat is testing out live video functionality with NBC during the Winter Games this year. This will serve as a testing ground for the app before it expands live streaming to more networks and events. At this time, only professional broadcasters can turn on live cameras. But this sure does help Snapchat enter into the already cluttered space of live streaming with the likes of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.

Well, this should be interesting. Facebook is testing a downvote button that will have the ability to hide inappropriate comments. There are a couple things I see going wrong with this. First, this could raise even more questions about censorship and Facebook’s role as a news editor and media company. And second, while Facebook’s intention might not be to have created a “dislike” button, they essentially have…

Personally pumped for this. You guys know how much I love emojis. And now there are 157 new ones approved for 2018! Finally a llama. (CELEBRATE)

Oh, and Snapchat’s Vice President of Sales has left the company and they’re not replacing him. Apparently, the departure is part of a broader plan to distribute leadership across the company’s sales division as it transitions to a model more heavily focused on self-serve programmatic advertising.

Adobe does stuff

While I must admit, I’m not a huge fan of the Ultra Violet Pantone Color of the Year, the colors in this fall’s Fashion Color Trend Report are pretty gorgeous. I mean, Valiant Poppy? (HEART EYES). We teamed up with Pantone to curate a collection of Premium Adobe Stock images inspired by this year’s top ten colors for men and women’s fashion this year. Dreamy.

Remember that #AiLoveYou campaign from last week? Well, we got loads of creative and beautiful submissions. Here’s a cute video of all of them. (HEART)

Other brands do stuff

MoonPie, my favorite brand on the Internet, is at it again with an “If We Made It” style stunt. The marshmallow-cookie brand posted a bunch of scripts on Twitter during the Super Bowl that were for “very good and important MoonPie spots” (not Super Bowl ads, of course) that would have aired (theoretically) if they weren’t busy making MoonPies and they actually had the $$. Someone get me a dang MoonPie so I can support this brand IRL.

Interesting stuff

Let’s be honest, we’ve known for a while that brands should stop chasing organic reach and invest instead in quality content and experiences. As FB changes up their algorithms (like, every day), it seems as if posting to Facebook without paying is a waste of time, and that “the brands that stand out as modern marketers are the ones known for their customer experiences, not their advertising.”

Oh, heyyy there! I’m digging this new report all about the demand for personalized content. Consumers spending nearly 8 hours a day viewing digital content and our survey found that two-thirds of respondents said they valued brand content that takes into account their current context, and more than 4 in 10 expressed annoyance at content that isn’t personalized.

Fun stuff

What Marai Nagasu did. And why it was such a big deal.

Move over, Tide Pods. There’s a new challenge in town. And it involves puppies and eggs. (LAUGH)

Literally Black Mirror IRL. I’m scared.

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