March Update of Adobe XD

March is all about improving your design productivity with Adobe XD! We’re happy to announce that we are delivering more of the features that you’ve been asking for, including the ability to bring Photoshop and Sketch files into XD, copying symbols between documents, styling grouped elements, and editing scrollable artboards faster.

Check out Adobe Live from March 13 -15 to see top UX designers using the latest features in Adobe XD.

Easy integration with Photoshop

XD provides the easiest and fastest way to turn your Photoshop files into interactive prototypes so that you can get feedback and iterate on designs within one application. You can now bring your Photoshop files into XD by simply opening a PSD file with the CMD-O command or by selecting “Open” from the “File” menu. Your file will automatically convert into a new XD file with your artboards, layers, and assets editable and at a high fidelity.

Note that Photoshop and XD have significantly different feature sets. We bring in Photoshop elements and effects that can be mapped to XD’s functionality; the rest are either rasterised or not transferred yet to the XD file. Learn more about what is supported in this version here.

Copy symbols between documents

You can now copy and paste symbols between XD documents. Until now, your copied symbols would paste as groups, which required an additional step to convert to a symbol again. Now, symbols copied from one document to another are both pasted as symbols and added to the assets panel.

Your copied and pasted symbols currently don’t remain linked across documents – each copy is independent. We’ve received a lot of requests to maintain linked symbols between documents, and we’re working now on adding support for this feature.

Style grouped elements

We are always looking for ways to speed up your process. With this release, you can change the fill and stroke for grouped elements all at once. Prior to this release, you had to change the fill and stroke of individual elements within a group one by one. This is super useful when working with icons or in other situations where you have to make changes to a lot of different strokes and fills.

Scrolling artboard enhancement

Editing the viewport of a scrollable artboard just got easier, and you can do that right on the canvas. When an artboard is marked for vertical scrolling, you can edit the viewport by using the new on-canvas handle available on the artboard.

Work with Sketch files

You can now bring your Sketch designs into XD and go from concept to prototype faster than ever. Just open your Sketch file from within XD, and it automatically converts into an XD file with your artboards, layers, symbols and effects ready to use.

Learn more about what is currently supported here, and let us know on UserVoice what improvements you’d like to see for this feature.


**Free UI Kits published exclusively for Adobe XD.

Free Icon Kits

We’ve released 3 exclusive & free icon kits designed by famous designers Anton & Irene, Büro Destruct and Lance Wyman. Read the blog_ and _download the kits for free.

Take Part in our #IconContestXD & Win a Trip to Adobe MAX in Los Angeles

Adobe has launched a unique design contest around Adobe XD: We want you to take one of three exclusive and free icon kits and make a Creative City app prototype to help fellow creatives experience your city through your eyes. All the info you need to take part in the contest can be found on our blog – better hurry the contest closes on March 15!

UX community.

Let’s keep the conversation going! You can follow our handle @AdobeXD for updates or reach the team on Twitter using the #AdobeXD. You can also chat with us on Facebook, where we share videos and updates as well as answer questions during live sessions.

For UX insights sent straight to your inbox, sign up for Adobe’s experience design newsletter!
While sharing your prototypes on Behance, don’t forget to tag them with #MadeWithAdobeXD and select Adobe XD under “Tools Used” for the opportunity to be featured in the Adobe XD Newsletter.