Using Customer Insights for the Greatest Impact

Bupa is a glob­al health­care com­pa­ny focused on mak­ing the lives of its cus­tomers bet­ter. To sup­port its grow­ing online audi­ence and dif­fer­en­ti­ate its brand from oth­er com­pa­nies in the mar­ket, Bupa UK need­ed to unlock the pow­er of cus­tomer data.

The com­pa­ny adopt­ed Adobe Ana­lyt­ics and engaged Adobe Cus­tomer Solu­tions to build dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing skills and under­stand the pow­er­ful role ana­lyt­ics can play in achiev­ing mar­ket­ing goals. “Adopt­ing Adobe Ana­lyt­ics was a water­shed moment for our com­pa­ny, empow­er­ing us to quick­ly become an even more data-dri­ven organ­i­sa­tion,” says Mau­rice Ky, Ana­lyt­ics Man­ag­er, Bupa UK. “By part­ner­ing with Adobe, we posi­tioned our­selves for faster, repeat­able success.”

Inte­grat­ing its data ware­house with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics enabled Bupa UK to cre­ate a 360-degree view of how cus­tomers inter­act with the com­pa­ny, both online and offline. Bupa UK imme­di­ate­ly gained a clear­er under­stand­ing of how audi­ences use devices and dig­i­tal ser­vices to search for infor­ma­tion, and used that insight to make adjust­ments to con­tent and mar­ket­ing strategies.

The health­care com­pa­ny also empow­ers employ­ees to access data with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, and uses it to cre­ate suc­cess­ful out­reach cam­paigns that tar­get new cus­tomers. For instance, dur­ing an engage­ment cam­paign that fea­tured health trend and med­ical break­through news, data from Adobe Ana­lyt­ics helped Bupa UK dou­ble its tar­get­ed response rates with­in three weeks.

Bupa UK’s suc­cess with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics recent­ly led the com­pa­ny to imple­ment Adobe Tar­get Pre­mi­um to help dri­ve per­son­al­i­sa­tion ini­tia­tives. The com­pa­ny is also very excit­ed to exper­i­ment with pre­ci­sion tar­get­ing pow­ered by Adobe Sen­sei, to test dif­fer­ent mes­sages and con­tin­ue iden­ti­fy­ing ways to stand out from the competition.

Read the Bupa UK case study here.