Are You Maximizing Mobile? This Three-Tier Approach Takes Centerstage at Adobe Summit

Image source: Adobe Stock / Romolo Tavani

Mobile is big — not that that’s news. But, I admit, as a marketer and someone who’s never more than arm’s length from my Nexus 5X, I’m still amazed at how much more we can collectively push the mobile experience envelope. Beyond that, I’m always amazed at how much consumers are willing to give — provided, of course, they “get” surprises and delights. And because 69 percent of consumers’ media time is spent on smartphones — devices that drive 80 percent of global internet usage — that permission has changed the game for virtually every brand and business out there.

This meteoric growth has anchored mobile experiences and mobile optimization front-and-center for digital marketers, and as we head into Adobe Summit 2018, it’s again taking centerstage. Our focus? Help attendees and any digital marketer out there evolve, expand, and scale their mobile efforts to ensure spot-on customer experiences that engage and convert. Think of it as a three-tier approach, and depending where you fall on the mobile maturity hierarchy, you’ll be able to find your jumping-off point and keep pushing forward to that next milestone.

TIER 1: Create compelling mobile experiences that convert

The internet-usage numbers aren’t the only jaw-droppers — mobile app usage has, not surprisingly, sky-rocketed, too. Fifty percent of the time mobile users spend on any digital media happens on apps, with the average person using about 10 apps per day.

That said, by some estimates upwards of three in four apps are downloaded, opened once, and never tapped again. In other words, it’s not enough to create something that looks cool and compelling in the App Store. To actually reap the benefits of your mobile app development, you need to focus on this first tier — creating compelling mobile experiences that engage over and over again, and ultimately drive conversions.

So the big question, then: what does that look like? As more and more consumers move to mobile apps, your job is to provide a consistent, cohesive, and comprehensive experience that’s well-optimized and completely personalized. The good news? That doesn’t necessarily mean lofty optimization or complex implementations. A starter set of mobile optimization strategies can help any brand or business drive meaningful mobile engagement — at Summit, we’ll unpack this critical, foundational layer.

Our hands-on Summit lab, Adobe Target for Mobile: Compelling Experiences That Engage and Convert, focuses on optimizing onboarding, monetizing mobile efforts, and re-engaging these core users via experience targeting and A/B testing. By implementing the Adobe Mobile SDK, , Analytics and Target in your app, you’ll be able to quickly and easily tap into everything from lifecycle metrics to location data to custom data points designed to improve customer experiences on your apps and beyond. It’s simple, it’s powerful, and you’ll walk away with deliberate, action-oriented next steps: a clear-cut path to maximizing mobile engagement.

If you’re not attending? Consider this your invitation to take that next — or even first — step. Focus on your experiences and not just creating apps for apps’ sake. Here, even a little optimization is decidedly better than none. So take a minute, start outlining your testing and onboarding strategy, and see how we’re getting personal with more mobile customers than ever.

TIER 2: Make the moments matter

Let’s say you have that Tier 1 foundational piece handled. From there, it’s mission-critical to optimize those mobile moments through immersive and relevant experience. In other words, it’s time to amp up your mobile personalization efforts so you can make these touch points work even harder.

By the time a consumer lands in your app or other mobile experience, they either know you or they don’t. If they don’t, your job is to wow them by creating a compelling, engaging, and high-value experience that not only meets, but exceeds their needs. That’s no small order — it relies heavily on personalizing that initial journey, whether or not you recognize the person on the other end.

That’s where Tier 2 picks up: mobile personalization. Once your app or mobile experience is established, it’s essential to dig in and focus on personalizing these all-important journeys so they’re in-step with customer wants and needs. Because at the end of the day, it’s clear personalization is powerful — nearly nine in 10 marketers say they’ve seen business lifts as a result of personalization campaigns, and 80 percent of consumers say they’re more inclined to convert when offered personalized experiences.

And for the returning customers — people who are accessing your app, but already know your brand from your website, emails, social presence, or even your brick and mortar store? They have sky-high expectations, too. They demand the same level of relevance in their journey, but they also don’t want to feel an ounce of friction as they move from platform to platform. Know them, acknowledge them, and keep them moving forward as if they never left the site or email or store. Show them you “get” them, and that they’re in the right place.

In our Summit session How to Make Mobile Moments Matter Through Optimized Personalization, we’ll show you how to tap into Adobe Target, Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Analytics, and Adobe Experience Cloud to cover everything from cross-device personalization to mobile app testing to experience delivery that moves the needle. It’s all possible, and you’ll see that it’s all easier to integrate and optimize than ever.

TIER 3: Mature your mobile experience strategy

And if you’re already a mature mobile marketer or business? There’s always more to learn, gain, and leverage — enter our Summit session with Daniel Long, Director of Business Intelligence for the NFL. This session, Steps to Mature Your Mobile Experience Strategy, is focused on that third tier — on brands and businesses who see the value in these massive mobile experiences, and have already seen mobile emerge at their most important customer touchpoint.

Mobile personalization comes with its own set of challenges. By bringing together core elements of organizational alignment and foundation of analytics and optimization, mobile strategies can be defined, refined and kicked up a few notches in a programmatic manner to ensure they’re on-pace with consumer demand.

It’s an accelerated approach, for sure, but one that more and more businesses are taking on as mobile grows and evolves. If you’ve arrived at this stage — or even anticipate getting here in the next 12 months — this session is for you. See what the NFL is doing, how they’re tackling these ever-increasing consumer expectations, and how Adobe is anchoring data-fueled personalization programs that drive greater maturity, greater retention, and greater results.

See you at Summit.