A Walk Into The Future Of Content With The Mill’s Boo Wong
On Tuesday, Wong, global head of emerging technology at visual effects and creative technology studio The Mill, will speak at Adobe Summit about how brands can engage with their audiences using the latest in groundbreaking technology.
This article is part of CMO.com’s March/April series about emerging technology. Click here for more.
The marketing, advertising, and entertainment landscape is changing at breakneck speed, with technology playing a huge part in how content is both made and consumed. On Tuesday, Boo Wong, global head of emerging technology at visual effects and creative technology studio The Mill, will speak at Adobe Summit in Las Vegas about how brands can engage with their audiences using the latest in groundbreaking technology.
CMO.com sat down with Wong ahead of the conference to discuss some of her main talking points.
Wong: I would say that technology and creative are implicitly intertwined at this point in time. There’s really no way to separate them because new and emerging technology is having a big effect on how consumers want to engage with content, and how marketers package and deliver that content.
CMO.com: What’s your advice about creating content in an emerging technology-driven world?
Wong: My first piece of advice is to keep abreast of technology because technology is an inspiration, not just a medium or a tool. It could be your inspiration point for new content.
The second thing is to keep a broad view on things. The more thinking you can apply to your content creation, the better. I don’t think being singularly focused right now is the way to go. I think that we need to draw inspiration from across many different areas.
CMO.com: Can you give me a prediction about the future of emerging technology as it relates specifically to content and customer experience?
Wong: Emerging technology is going to help us interpret and find new answers for the creative stories that we want to tell. I think that they are, once again, intrinsically linked. I’m keeping a close eye on technologies such as AI, machine learning, and mixed reality as ones that are extremely relevant to how we develop and distribute content.
CMO.com: What do you hope attendees are going to walk away from your session at Adobe Summit?
Wong: I hope that they walk out with a good sense of where we are today in regard to emerging technology and the creative imperative. I also want to throw out a bunch of technological thought-starters that are a little bit further out, so attendees can find answers to their own questions.