The April 1 Release of Illustrator CC: Nourishing Those Who Feed Creativity #AiFood

Our brains crave energy. Each day, it requires more than 300 calories to power the brain alone. And that’s not including the creative thinking and problem solving that go above-and-beyond the brain’s basic functions. Creatives need food to power their creativity. Today, we’re announcing a breakthrough to help hungry designers — the April Experimental Release of Illustrator CC.

In user research sessions, the Illustrator team noticed a habit amongst designers when they hit a creative block — they start doodling. What’s more peculiar, designers tend to draw food, candy, and snacks. This insight led our engineers to develop a new feature.

With the April 1 release, Illustrator CC intelligently knows what you’re craving based on your designs. Simply doodle in Illustrator and our state-of-the-art artificial intelligence detects exactly what you want and connects you with local restaurants to order that food item without leaving the app. And now — for the first time ever — you can quickly order whatever your creative mind can create (within reason). We know you’ve been craving this.

See the new feature in action:

This experimental feature is a sneak peek on what’s to come. We hope you’re hungry for this as much as we are. It’s coming soon to Illustrator near you.

What do you crave to eat while working in Illustrator CC? Let us know and join the conversation with #AiFood.