See a Star at Summit

All work and no play makes mar­keters very dull peo­ple. At least, that’s my the­o­ry. It’s often proven when I start talk­ing about Adobe’s EMEA Sum­mit. When I tell peo­ple in the indus­try about the learn­ings, sem­i­nars, speak­ers and keynotes that we’ve packed into the event they always express inter­est in attend­ing. But they inevitably ask me about that spe­cial some­thing so many of us care about—the celebri­ty fac­tor. Well, this year we have it in droves.

Ear­li­er this week we announced that we will be joined on main stage by Vic­to­ria Beck­ham OBE. Vic­to­ria is cre­ative direc­tor of the Vic­to­ria Beck­ham brand, launched in 2008, and award­ed the pres­ti­gious Design­er Brand of the Year acco­lade at the British Fash­ion Awards in both 2011 and 2014. She’ll be join­ing us on day two, inspir­ing the audi­ence with her sto­ry of build­ing one of the world’s most respect­ed fash­ion brands and lever­ag­ing dig­i­tal to make amaz­ing expe­ri­ences for her customers.

But that’s not all! While Vic­to­ria may be a mas­ter of bat­tling it out on the run­way, we’ve also got anoth­er cham­pi­on, in the form of World Heavy­weight Box­ing Cham­pi­on, Antho­ny Joshua MBE. Joshua famous­ly pro­duced the per­for­mance of his career to add the WBA Super Heavy­weight title to his IBF belt by beat­ing Wladimir Klitschko with a TKO in the 11th round at Wem­b­ley Sta­di­um. Atten­dees will get to hear about how he’s made the expe­ri­ence of box­ing his busi­ness, and how his bat­tles can be trans­lat­ed into indus­try suc­cess. Gab­by Logan and Clau­dia Win­kle­man, two of the UK’s most respect­ed and pop­u­lar broad­cast­ers and jour­nal­ists, will con­duct the inter­views with our stars. Will they be strict­ly busi­ness, or will they dance around the issues (sorry—bad pun, but I had to try)?

Final­ly, our always-pop­u­lar Sneaks day will be led by actor and come­di­an Rob Bry­don, most recent­ly heard as one of the voic­es in the ani­mat­ed com­e­dy Ear­ly Man (or seen as the man who always wears his seat belt, if you are fre­quent trav­eller on British Airways).

And while our CEO, Shan­tanu Narayen isn’t a celebri­ty in the tra­di­tion­al sense, I’m going to include him as well, since he will be kick­ing off pro­ceed­ings on day one. He may not be in the pages of Hel­lo mag­a­zine, but we always think he’s in Vogue here at Adobe.

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