Why You Should Attend the Content & Design Track at Adobe Summit EMEA

When I was in grade school, I spent just as much time colour­ing in the pic­tures as I did writ­ing the words before sub­mit­ting reports for my teacher to grade. It wasn’t because of my love for crayons, but because I want­ed my work to stand out. Even at that age, I knew that style was as impor­tant as sub­stance when pro­vid­ing an expe­ri­ence for my teacher to evaluate—hopefully with a gold star.

Now that I work so close­ly with our cus­tomers at Adobe, that innate under­stand­ing of bal­anc­ing great design with great con­tent is even more impor­tant. Only by inte­grat­ing design into their busi­ness­es can brands cre­ate per­son­alised, engag­ing expe­ri­ences that con­sumers will love. That’s why I’m pleased to intro­duce the ses­sions I’m thrilled to have as part of the Con­tent & Design track at this year’s Summit.

Deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al, design-led cus­tomer expe­ri­ences is the fun­da­men­tal way for mar­keters, brand strate­gists and cre­ative pros to dif­fer­en­ti­ate their organ­i­sa­tions from the com­pe­ti­tion. The abil­i­ty to cre­ate stand­out expe­ri­ences and dri­ve brand affin­i­ty depends upon the visu­al and inter­ac­tive design of web and mobile expe­ri­ences, as well as the abil­i­ty to per­son­alise to indi­vid­u­als across all chan­nels and touch­points. Great design trans­lates into great con­tent, and great con­tent is essen­tial for build­ing the expe­ri­ences that cre­ate loy­al­ty and ulti­mate­ly boost rev­enue. Brands can use informed deci­sion-mak­ing to craft great design and estab­lish more effi­cient work­flows and scale con­tent pro­duc­tion for their teams.

The Con­tent & Design track will explore what great design means and how to use it for com­pet­i­tive advan­tage. Join us to hear from indus­try-lead­ing cre­ative thinkers who will inspire and empow­er you to cre­ate great expe­ri­ences for your customers.

Here are the can’t miss ses­sions you need to mark on your calendar:

CD2: Ubisoft Trans­forms Cus­tomer Engage­ment in Gam­ing Through Design

The gam­ing indus­try has trans­formed dra­mat­i­cal­ly over the past decade with its shift online. Gam­ing com­pa­nies are mak­ing UX/UI design the foun­da­tion for cre­at­ing engag­ing expe­ri­ences across all dig­i­tal touch­points. They use data to inform how they inter­face with and dri­ve fan engage­ment across their title offer­ings, cre­at­ing more oppor­tu­ni­ties to build brand loy­al­ty. This shift away from boxed soft­ware pro­duc­tion has cre­at­ed many new oppor­tu­ni­ties for video game pub­lish­er Ubisoft

CD3: VICE Media—How Win­ning Brands Trans­form Expe­ri­ences in the “Era of Unbranding”

We are in the “Era of Unbrand­ing,” where com­pa­nies are spend­ing big to achieve neg­a­tive equi­ty. This high-octane, humor­ous ses­sion will explore the state of mod­ern brand­ing and design, and why busi­ness­es should trans­form to be expe­ri­ence-led or risk being irrel­e­vant. The ses­sion address­es both the chal­lenges and impor­tance of dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion, demon­strat­ing why organ­i­sa­tions should fol­low the “5 Gold­en Rules of Content.”

CD6: SAP Trans­forms Con­tent Scale and Pro­duc­tion Through User Assis­tance Group

SAP recog­nised that pure­ly text-based soft­ware doc­u­men­ta­tion and con­tent has lost its rel­e­vance and attrac­tive­ness to their over 378,000 users. They’ve had the added chal­lenge of near­ly 1,000 con­tent authors work­ing on dis­persed projects across dif­fer­ent teams, cre­at­ing the need for an inte­grat­ed organ­i­sa­tion to solve these challenges. SAP trans­formed what was tra­di­tion­al­ly a text-based knowl­edge man­age­ment organ­i­sa­tion into a User Assis­tance organ­i­sa­tion pro­duc­ing advanced mul­ti-media to serve its cus­tomers, part­ners and workforce. See the trans­for­ma­tion jour­ney that demon­strates how inte­grat­ing mul­ti­me­dia and scal­ing con­tent cre­at­ed a port­fo­lio that is mod­ern, easy to use, easy to remem­ber, and appre­ci­at­ed by all of SAP’s tar­get audiences.

CD4: BESTSELLER—How to Pri­ori­tise a Design Cul­ture and Invest­ments for Long-term Success

When you think of fash­ion, great design imme­di­ate­ly comes to mind. Design-cen­tric indus­tries need to go through dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion to ensure they are at the fore­front of their cul­ture, work and busi­ness process­es. BESTSELLER is an inter­na­tion­al fash­ion com­pa­ny with prod­ucts avail­able online, in 2,700 brand­ed chain stores, 15,000 mul­ti-brand stores, and 8,000 inde­pen­dent stores in Chi­na. Learn how BESTSELLER pri­ori­tised design across the board, giv­ing employ­ees seam­less access to the lat­est cre­ative apps and ser­vices when­ev­er they need them.

Find out more about Adobe Sum­mit EMEA here.