Announcing Data Explorer: Unstructured Data Collection with Adobe Audience Manager

A significant enhancement to Adobe Audience Manager was announced at Adobe
Summit in Las Vegas last month. The new feature, Data Explorer, provides a
self-service interface for Adobe Audience Manager clients to retroactively
classify and utilize incoming data signals. With this feature, incoming data —
or “unstructured data” — becomes useful, even before it is categorized within
trait taxonomy. Marketers will realize key benefits immediately, including the

Which marketing use cases will benefit most from utilizing Data Explorer?

How is Data Explorer different from existing solutions in market today?

Putting the focus back on delivering customer experience

DMPs are the backbone of your experience business. Data Explorer represents a big step forward for Adobe, while taking unstructured data collection to the next level for marketers. No longer is making a decision about unstructured vs. structured data collection a critical choice in the DMP selection process. With Adobe, marketers get both capabilities — flexibility of unstructured systems at the speed of structured systems.

For additional perspective, see my post on LinkedIn.

Audience Manager enhancements mentioned are expected to be available over the course of the year. Keep an eye on Adobe Experience Cloud release notes for the latest information on feature availability.