Hands-On-Labs for Developers and Practitioners at Adobe Summit EMEA

Every so often we need a break from the talk­ing and just want to get our hands dirty. That’s what the Hands-on Labs are all about at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA. Dive into the prac­ti­cal side of mar­ket­ing with ses­sions and Hands-On Labs that focus on how to imple­ment tech­nolo­gies and solu­tions across Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud.

We are host­ing the Tech Lab, 30 hands-on ses­sions where par­tic­i­pants can actu­al­ly work with our Expe­ri­ence Cloud solutions. The top­ics align close­ly across all the tracks at Sum­mit EMEA and focus on how to apply the solu­tions with­in your par­tic­u­lar busi­ness. Led by our experts, the Hands-on Labs will teach you valu­able prod­uct tips, tricks and ways to make the most of your invest­ment in Adobe technology.

It’s impos­si­ble to pick three or four “must see” ses­sions, since what you attend will depend on your business’s par­tic­u­lar needs—and what­ev­er floats your boat when it comes to prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ences. Instead, I’ll choose a few that I think might be par­tic­u­lar­ly pop­u­lar, so you can plan your sched­ule and get into the ses­sions ear­ly in order to avoid disappointment.

TL4: Are you pre­pared? GDPR and the Expe­ri­ence Cloud

Learn how to bet­ter iden­ti­fy your cus­tomers and enable your data for Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR) request pro­cess­ing. Adobe has cre­at­ed a set of pow­er­ful tools to help you, as the data proces­sor, gath­er IDs, label your sen­si­tive data, then man­age and sub­mit your cus­tomers’ GDPR requests. In this lab, you’ll have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­view this crit­i­cal plat­form fea­ture launch­ing in May, and pro­vide feed­back to our Prod­uct, Engi­neer­ing and Usabil­i­ty teams, who will be present to assist, observe and gath­er feed­back that will ulti­mate­ly help us build you a bet­ter product.

TL26: Get­ting start­ed with Launch by Adobe

Get ready to take Launch for an extend­ed test dri­ve. We’ll cov­er the basics of get­ting start­ed with Launch, a mar­ket­ing-friend­ly rule builder, that can quick­ly turn data into action. Launch is a tag man­age­ment sys­tem that enables you to han­dle cur­rent chal­lenges while prepar­ing your­self for future web tech­nolo­gies. We’ll walk you through user man­age­ment, cre­at­ing your first prop­er­ty, adding and work­ing with exten­sions, rule build­ing and explor­ing the pub­lish­ing workflow.

Key take­aways:

This intro­duc­to­ry lab does not require pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence with Adobe Launch or Adobe DTM.

TL22: Design user expe­ri­ences at the speed of thought

Dur­ing this Hands-On Lab you’ll dis­cov­er how to go from idea to pro­to­type at the speed of thought with Adobe’s all-in-one UX/UI solu­tion for design­ing web­sites, mobile apps and oth­er screen expe­ri­ences. With smooth, pow­er­ful per­for­mance, it’s easy to deliv­er expe­ri­ences that work and feel as good as they look on any screen.

TL5: Adobe Sign—speed up your busi­ness trans­ac­tions with automa­tion of your doc­u­ment workflows

Trans­form man­u­al process­es into all-dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences and speed trans­ac­tions in every depart­ment. Whether it’s a sales con­tract, an offer let­ter, or an appli­ca­tion, you can move from maybe to def­i­nite­ly up to 21 times faster, with greater ease, from any loca­tion using Adobe Sign. Adobe Sign is a paper­less, cloud-based work­flow solu­tion for sig­na­ture and form process­es, which can be used right away or inte­grat­ed into any back­end sys­tem through a pow­er­ful API. There are a lot Adobe Sign Inte­gra­tions avail­able out of the box e.g.: MS Office 365, MS Share­Point, MS Dynam­ics, Work­day, Sales­force, SAP Ari­ba or AEM Forms.

In this track:

Find out more and reg­is­ter for Adobe Sum­mit EMEA here.