Know Before You Go: Adobe Summit EMEA

“When a man is tired of Lon­don, he’s tired of life,” said the not­ed man of let­ters, Samuel John­son. While much has changed since he wrote those often-quot­ed words, Lon­don remains an excit­ing metrop­o­lis for Adobe Sum­mit EMEA vis­i­tors to explore.

To help you make the most of your stay in the UK’s cap­i­tal, the team at Adobe have put togeth­er a few sug­ges­tions on how best to nav­i­gate your days both inside and out­side of Sum­mit attendance—whether you need a quick break from the hub­bub or want to extend your time pre- and post-events.

Let’s start with the inside Sum­mit basics and a few steps to fol­low to make your expe­ri­ence even more enjoyable.

Step One: Down­load the Mobile App

Our Adobe Sum­mit EMEA mobile app gives you the lat­est infor­ma­tion to ensure you can get the most out of your Sum­mit expe­ri­ence. Use it to search and sched­ule your break­out ses­sions, inter­act with speak­ers, rate ses­sions, view con­fer­ence maps and access many oth­er use­ful resources.

Step Two: Plan How to Get There

With reg­is­tra­tion open from 7:00am and the open­ing keynote ses­sion start­ing at 8:45am, you won’t want to be late. The ear­ly bird def­i­nite­ly gets the worm, both by avoid­ing queues at the reg­is­tra­tion desk and coat check, and by snag­ging great seats at the keynotes. ExCeL has an infor­ma­tive trav­el guide to help you plan your journey:

Step Three: Wifi

In addi­tion to excit­ing con­tent on stage, there’s a huge amount of con­tent online. Don’t miss out: get on the free Wifi net­work as soon as you arrive. Please note, we will be pro­vid­ing sup­port for devices that are com­pat­i­ble with 5GHz net­works. Atten­dees con­nect­ing to the net­work using devices that are only com­pat­i­ble with 2.4GHz net­works may expe­ri­ence poor per­for­mance or con­nec­tiv­i­ty issues.

The fol­low­ing net­works will be broad­cast across the venue:

Once you con­nect to one of the above net­works your device will ask you to sign in to the Wifi net­work. We will only ask you to sign in once. Click con­tin­ue to accept the terms and conditions.

You are now connected!

Note: Should your device not ask you to sign in, please open a brows­er and nav­i­gate to

Please turn off your mobile hotspots as they degrade the net­work expe­ri­ence for con­fer­ence attendees.

Step Four: Sum­mit Blogs

You prob­a­bly know about the blogs already since you’re read­ing this post on one, but in case you land­ed here via some oth­er route, we encour­age you to delve deep­er into this year’s key themes by vis­it­ing Adobe’s Dig­i­tal Europe blog. Whether you need more infor­ma­tion on the ses­sions or want to read up about what it means to be an expe­ri­ence busi­ness, we have a blog post for you:

Step Five: Read will be at Sum­mit again this year, so please come see the team at the stand in the com­mu­ni­ty pavil­ion. If you’re not famil­iar with, whet your appetite with this selec­tion of arti­cles fea­tur­ing our Sum­mit speakers:

7 Ways You Could be Killing Inno­va­tion: Inter­view with Lego’s For­mer Head of Glob­al Brand:‑ways-you-might-be-killing-innovation.html

Pilot­ed by Cus­tomers, Vir­gin Atlantic Soars with ‘Heart­felt Ser­vice’

AI Nudges Expe­ri­ences Fur­ther:

Step Six: Share the Livestream

Friends and col­leagues who didn’t get a tick­et to Sum­mit EMEA 2018 can watch the live cov­er­age of the keynote ses­sion streamed on the Sum­mit web­site on 3 May, begin­ning at 8:45AM BST.

Step Sev­en: Be Social at Summit

Our social team have a great pro­gramme planned, so why not be part of the buzz? Fol­low @AdobeSummit and @AdobeExpCloud and join the con­ver­sa­tion on the hash­tag: #Adobe­Sum­mit.

Now, some sug­ges­tions for fill­ing in your spare time—if you have any.

Lon­don is big. It’s the third largest city in Europe by pop­u­la­tion, accord­ing to the cen­sus tak­ers (and we do like data here at Adobe, so we’re going to trust their results). There­fore, you need to what’s in reach and what isn’t. For exam­ple, you shouldn’t plan a quick trip over to Har­rods to pick up gifts dur­ing your lunch hour because you’d need about half a day to get there and back from the Excel Centre.

We grouped our sug­ges­tions based on the amount of free time you have, using the Excel Cen­tre as a base from which to explore. We’d love to hear about your adven­tures. Why not share your expe­ri­ences @AdobeSummit so every­one can enjoy your secret finds?

With­in 20 min­utes…

With­in an hour…

A three-hour day… by boat

A three-hour day… by DLR

Fur­ther afield…

What­ev­er you do and wher­ev­er you go, Lon­don is an excit­ing, wel­com­ing and diverse des­ti­na­tion. The British cap­i­tal encour­ages you to make any vis­it there an experience—and we do, too.