The Future Of AI In The Enterprise
Artificial intelligence is finding its way into all parts of the modern-day workforce, driving huge shifts in overall capabilities and offering tremendous opportunities for early adopters.
Artificial intelligence is finding its way into all parts of the modern-day workforce, driving huge shifts in overall capabilities and offering tremendous opportunities for early adopters.
Already, companies across all lines of business are realizing the benefits in areas such as productivity, business processes, content creation, data insights, and personalized customer experiences.
I see three main ways in which AI is going to enhance businesses over the next few years. Let’s explore each.
Business And Workplace Transformation
Let’s start with AI’s ability to help people in the workplace collaborate in smarter and faster ways. Likewise, AI is also helping businesses delight their customers with engaging, personalized digital experiences.
But the truth is, we’re still in AI’s early days, where it is a competitive advantage. We’ll soon get to a point where AI is table stakes. How soon do you think it will be before tools like chatbots become as common and ubiquitous as, say, e-mail? I’d say pretty soon.
Indeed, a plethora of workplace tools and processes will be improved by intelligent technology in the future—though I have no doubt that human intelligence and creativity will continue to factor heavily into where workplace AI is headed. People have something machines don’t have: experience, intuition, human ingenuity—and the ability to break the rules.
To be sure, today’s workforce is ready to take on AI. According to Adobe’s 2017 “Future Of Work” study, the vast majority of office workers in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany said they believe technology helps them get their work done. The majority of the 4,000-plus office workers surveyed also said they believe technology makes them more productive, improves work-life integration, and helps them better connect with co-workers.
We will continue to see major shifts in how we work as AI becomes more ubiquitous. I’m excited to see how it all plays out.
Technology And Innovation
Amazon’s predictions algorithm, the iPhone X, digital voice assistants, and other AI-driven technologies are driving innovation across all industries. And their use spans beyond the marketing department.
For example, companies are leveraging AI in IT, operations, and across the broader business to accomplish routine tasks. A good example is the USPS, which is testing a Smart Blue Mailbox to allow consumers to skip the post-office line. AI is also helping companies find hidden insights. Think of Mazda and Gerber, for example, which have used the tech to identify the right influencers.
As AI continues to embed itself into the technology all around us, we’re going to see an explosion of innovation in both AI-powered hardware and software, impacting customer experiences and more.
Societal And Macro-Economic Impact
The rise of AI is not only changing businesses, but also the world at large. In fact, AI is being used today to detect diseases more accurately and in their early stages. For example, AI is enabling the review and translation of mammograms 30 times faster and with 99% accuracy, reducing the need for unnecessary biopsies.
The scope of AI and what it can accomplish is much bigger than most people realize. According to a report from PwC, AI represents the biggest commercial opportunity and will give the global economy a $15.7 trillion boost by 2030.
AI is an emerging technology that businesses of all sizes need to plan for, starting now. Businesses can’t be successful without content, data, and deep technology–and AI is integral to bringing that together.
Of note, Adobe (’s parent company) is bringing together a panel of industry thought leaders next Monday, April 30, to discuss how AI is going to transform businesses to create a faster and more productive ecosystem where content and data are king. The session will be broadcast via Facebook Live, and I encourage you to join the conversation via #AdobeTT.
We’ll explore how brands are activating AI today for their workers and customers, as well as what they are considering in the future. We’ll also discuss AI’s economic impact, and how it is powering immersive and personalized experiences.
Participants include:
• Moderator: Susan Etlinger, Industry Analyst, Altimeter (@setlinger)
• Robbie Allen, CEO, Infinia ML (@RobbieAllen)
• Chris Benson, Chief Scientist – AI & ML, Honeywell (@chrisbenson)
• Chris Duffey, Head of AI Innovation & Strategy, Adobe (@DuffeyChris)
• Jana Eggers, CEO, Nara Logics (@jeggers)
• Tom Goodwin, EVP, Head of Innovation, Zenith (@tomfgoodwin)
• Catherine Havasi, Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder, Luminoso (@catherinehavasi)
• Kathryn Hume, VP of Product & Strategy, (@HumeKathryn)
• Theo Lau, Founder, Unconventional Ventures (@psb_dc)
• Anand Rao, Partner & Global Innovation Lead, PwC (@AnandSRao)