Top Tips from Adobe Summit EMEA’s Analytics and Data Management Track

Analy­sis and man­age­ment of data has become THE hot top­ic for mar­keters in 2018. Why? Con­sumers will not give you access to their data unless you can ensure that you’re pro­tect­ing and man­ag­ing that data effec­tive­ly. Strong analy­sis of that data trans­lates into bet­ter ways to tar­get and work with each con­sumer on behalf of your brand. GDPR is both a chal­lenge and an oppor­tu­ni­ty for marketers—and the ana­lyt­ics and data man­age­ment track gives plen­ty of options for those who want to learn more about its impact on their business.

The Expe­ri­ence Busi­ness speaks one Lan­guage: XDM. Appli­ca­tions lever­age XDM to make infor­ma­tion com­ing from mul­ti­ple sources—within the Adobe Cloud Plat­form, Adobe Solu­tions, or your own—immediately under­stand­able and action­able by mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions. This enables you to deliv­er the right mes­sage, offer, and expe­ri­ences, and con­tent at the right time. It requires a com­mon under­stand­ing of the jour­ney of peo­ple and their assets across mul­ti­ple touch­points both online (web­site, mobile, adver­tis­ing) and offline (call cen­tre, cus­tomer sup­port, CRM).

Adobe Sum­mit EMEA is the per­fect place to take the first step in becom­ing an XDM mas­ter via our packed selec­tion of ses­sions and edu­ca­tion­als. Here are a few high­lights that can­not be missed:

Pri­va­cy by design: GDPR and Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er (AN16)

Adobe’s DMP, Audi­ence Man­ag­er has incor­po­rat­ed Pri­va­cy by Design since its incep­tion. In this ses­sion, we’ll go beyond the basics of GDPR and cov­er how your DMP prac­tices will be affect­ed. We will show­case how exist­ing tools in Audi­ence Man­ag­er enable you to man­age your data, the tools being built to help you man­age requests from your data sub­jects, and guide­lines on how to think about your prac­tice today in order to be ready for 25th May.

In this ses­sion, we will:

We HIGHLY rec­om­mend attend­ing the ses­sion held on our Mar­ket­ing Oper­a­tions track enti­tled Adobe is GDPR ready. Are you? (OP3) pri­or to join­ing this educational.

Flex­ing your analy­sis mus­cles: Lat­est tips & tricks for Adobe Ana­lyt­ics (AN3)

Just as the great­est ath­letes in the world nev­er stop learn­ing and improv­ing, the most sea­soned ana­lyt­ics experts also always have new skills or tac­tics to mas­ter. As in sports, small changes can often lead to big improve­ment. In this ses­sion, mem­bers of the Adobe Ana­lyt­ics prod­uct team will share some of the tips and tricks to take your already for­mi­da­ble analy­sis game to the next lev­el by:

This ses­sion is rec­om­mend­ed for advanced users of Adobe Analytics.

The future of Adobe Sen­sei in Adobe Ana­lyt­ics (AN4)

Adobe Ana­lyt­ics prod­uct man­agers intro­duce Adobe Sen­sei in ana­lyt­ics, show­case exist­ing capa­bil­i­ties and cut­ting-edge inno­va­tions that may to lead to the next big indus­try change. Get the first look into what’s com­ing and pro­vide direct input to the Adobe Ana­lyt­ics roadmap by vot­ing for your favourites.

In this ses­sion you will:

This inter­me­di­ate ses­sion is for web and dig­i­tal ana­lysts in all industries.

Build event-dri­ven expe­ri­ences with Adobe I/O and Ana­lyt­ics Trig­gers (AN13)

Take advan­tage of Adobe APIs and ser­vices to quick­ly inte­grate con­tent and data and cre­ate rich­er cus­tomer expe­ri­ences. Using Adobe I/O, you can inte­grate and extend Adobe tech­nol­o­gy in your mobile and web apps. We show you how to lever­age our tech­nolo­gies in third-par­ty appli­ca­tions and intro­duce you to Adobe I/O ser­vices. Find out how they work and how you can use them to accel­er­ate your expe­ri­ence business.

In this ses­sion, learn about: