Partner Day Preview: Adobe Summit EMEA

Have you ever been in one of those social sit­u­a­tions where you are intro­duced to someone’s “part­ner?” Now, I don’t know about you, but I used to feel this term of endear­ment was rather cold, as if your oth­er half was won over via some kind of busi­ness trans­ac­tion. I’ve changed my mind, thanks to the gen­uine inter­est, excit­ing learn­ings and per­fect, well, part­ner­ships devel­oped dur­ing Adobe Part­ner Day in EMEA, set this year for Wednes­day, May 2. Now that I see what a part­ner­ship tru­ly looks like, I can under­stand why it might be used to describe even more per­son­al relationships.

For this year’s Part­ner Day event, we’re design­ing a whole new expe­ri­ence to meet the diverse needs of our part­ner com­mu­ni­ty. Whether you’re look­ing for prod­uct deep dives and deliv­ery method­ol­o­gy, or infor­ma­tion about Adobe’s vision and growth strat­e­gy, we’ve got you cov­ered. Part­ner Day atten­dees will walk away with new insights and best prac­tices to grow their busi­ness and learn how to tap into the lim­it­less oppor­tu­ni­ties for Adobe partners.

Since we encour­age every Part­ner to “make expe­ri­ence their busi­ness,”, we want to give a sneak-peak of what Part­ner Day atten­dees will expe­ri­ence on the day. Here are a few high­lights about what we think will be the key moments and take­aways from the day:

From 3 May onwards, vis­it Part­ner Zone in the Com­mu­ni­ty Pavil­ion, where you can get hands-on guid­ance and help with your client engage­ments, includ­ing pre-sales and post-sales sup­port, and watch demos. Hear from the Adobe team about Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, Spe­cial­i­sa­tions, and our Solu­tion Part­ner and Exchange Programs.

Part­ner Day is restrict­ed to those cur­rent or prospec­tive Adobe part­ners who have reg­is­tered for the event. A full itin­er­ary can be found at:

See you there!