Getting Started With Adobe Portfolio
Created by Codify Design Studio.
Sharing your best work with Adobe Portfolio is an effective way to share your success and attract new creative talent. Whether you’re looking to hire new full-time staff or connect with the freelancer community, Adobe Portfolio lets you upload, organize, and share your work with potential staff and clients all over the world.
You can access Adobe Portfolio directly from the Adobe homepage, or by visiting After you login with your Creative Cloud username and password, simply click the “Continue as” button, then choose a theme (you can change your theme at any time).
By default, your portfolio is private — so you can begin adding content and publish it when you’re ready.
Structuring your portfolio
The main content structure of a portfolio is broken into galleries, pages, albums, and links. Pages typically exist as part of a gallery, and usually contain information about one specific piece in your portfolio. Galleries are a collection of pages and Lightroom Albums. Links provide a way to link to other sites.
To begin, click the plus sign in the left-side toolbar, then choose Gallery. Name your new gallery then click Create Gallery. This puts a new empty gallery in your portfolio site. The Manage Content panel will open, displaying your empty gallery. Click the plus button again to add content, and this time create a page. Name your new page and choose a gallery from the destination dropdown menu, then click Create Page.
Adding content to a page
Once you’ve created a page, it’s time to add your content. I’ll begin by uploading a video file using the Upload Files button. Then I’ll locate the .mp4 file on my local hard drive, and then click Choose.
Next, I’ll add a text block so I can explain how the animation effect was created, along with credit to the photographer who composited the original image.
The heads-up display (HUD) panel, which floats over your page as you edit the content, gives you quick access to content and settings for both the current page, as well as site-wide settings for content.
Managing your content and navigation
The Manage Content button, in the left sidebar, gives you an overview of the content in your portfolio site. All galleries, pages, albums, and links show in this panel, and are graphically represented based on their hierarchy.
The best part about this panel is that you can visually rearrange your content by simply dragging and dropping elements to new positions. Add or remove pages from one gallery to another by dragging them around, or rearrange the order of entire galleries.
The navigation for your site is also determined by the structure of the Manage Content panel. Any item that appears in the most-left position is treated as top-level items in the navigation. Pages and albums can also be positioned as top-level items, giving you more flexibility for structuring your navigation.
Learn to add content to your portfolio directly from Bēhance and Lightroom.
Take a deeper dive into the many features of Adobe Portfolio
Join Chris Converse in the recorded webinar and learn how to use Adobe Portfolio to show off your best work. Adobe Portfolio lets you upload, organize, and share your work with potential staff and clients all over the world. Your work will be accessible from anywhere, on any device.
In this session you’ll learn how to:
- Upload your best work — design, motion graphics, photography, and more
- Incorporate great type
- Connect to content from Bēhance
- Add photo albums from Lightroom
- Password-protect pages or the entire site
- Change your portfolio theme at any time
Adobe Creative Cloud e-learning series: