Taking Personalization (and the ExBE Awards) on the Road with the Adobe Insider Tour 2018

In just over a week, we on the Adobe Target team are joining our Adobe Analytics colleagues on tour — the Adobe Insider Tour. We’ll be running the Personalization Insider track, bookending the summer with a few afternoons of talking shop. Cities we’re visiting on the 2018 tour include:

Live in or nearby one of these cities? Come join us for this interactive workshop centered around experience optimization and personalization. You’ll discuss and learn ways you can use Adobe Target to better reach your customers and maximize your business success from us, our partners at Accenture and Analytics Demystified, and other optimization experts.

Kicking off the 2019 ExBE Awards

We’re also using this tour as an opportunity to kick-off submissions for our 2019 Adobe Experience Business Excellence (ExBE) Awards. If you came to Adobe Summit this year, you might have seen the finalists of the Adobe Experience Business Excellence Awards share their stories on stage in a Summit session devoted to our contest finalists. This contest is a longtime tradition for Adobe Target, with this year’s session rated in the top three for the Adobe Summit Personalization track. Those who entered the contest and were nominated for an award were invited to attend the Experience Business Awards Gala — a red-carpet affair emceed by none other than the outrageously funny Preacher Lawson.

If a gala event and the chance to boost your career by sharing your optimization success on stage, on tour, and in Las Vegas aren’t enough motivation to convince you to submit your story, then consider that some lucky finalists will win a free pass to Adobe Summit 2019, too.

Sign-up for the tour and the ExBE Awards today

To learn more about the awards contest and get a head start on submitting your story for 2019, click here. And go ahead and register for the Adobe Insider Tour today.

We look forward to meeting you.