Adobe Named a Leader in 2018 Forrester Wave for Digital Asset Management

Over the past sev­er­al years, we’ve seen our cus­tomers, large and small, under pres­sure to cre­ate and man­age an unprece­dent­ed amount of dig­i­tal assets than ever before. From thou­sands to mil­lions of images, graph­ics, videos, and new emerg­ing rich media assets, brands need their assets to be orga­nized and dis­trib­uted to bet­ter engage, win, and serve cus­tomers. This has result­ed in Dig­i­tal Asset Man­age­ment (DAM) becom­ing the crit­i­cal tech­nol­o­gy and busi­ness process to bring order to the chaos among cre­ative, mar­ket­ing, busi­ness, and tech­nol­o­gy teams. The new mea­sure of suc­cess goes beyond basic man­age­ment to an expand­ed sup­port of the upstream cre­ative process, includ­ing deliv­er­ing cus­tomer expe­ri­ences at every point in the cus­tomer journey.

Some time ago, Adobe set out to build a DAM for a bet­ter cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Since then Adobe has made sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in this space and we’ve quick­ly advanced our capa­bil­i­ties to make our cus­tomers suc­cess­ful with DAM. These advance­ments are now gain­ing indus­try recognition.

I’m pleased to announce that Adobe was named a leader in The For­rester Wave™: Dig­i­tal Asset Man­age­ment for Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence, Q2 2018. The report eval­u­at­ed 13 ven­dors against 30 cri­te­ria grouped into three high-lev­el buck­ets: cur­rent offer­ing, strat­e­gy, and mar­ket pres­ence. In addi­tion to being named a Leader, Adobe received the high­est pos­si­ble score in the mar­ket pres­ence category.

We believe this recog­ni­tion speaks to our deep part­ner­ship with cus­tomers and the relent­less inno­va­tion across Adobe’s prod­uct teams and tech­nol­o­gy part­ners to help us build a mod­ern DAM. Our intel­li­gent DAM offer­ing, Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er Assets, has helped many mar­keters and IT orga­ni­za­tions orga­nize, adapt, and dis­trib­ute rich media expe­ri­ences across the cus­tomer jour­ney. We will con­tin­ue to stay focused on dri­ving our vision of reimag­ing DAM for cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, deliv­er­ing inno­va­tion around arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and automa­tion, and mak­ing our cus­tomers successful.

Reimagine DAM for customer experience

DAM has trans­formed from a pas­sive repos­i­to­ry to an active par­tic­i­pant in how we deliv­er cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. To make this a real­i­ty, we’ve intro­duced new user inter­faces, work­flows, and tools to solve the asset man­age­ment prob­lem with effi­cien­cy in mind. We’ve added more con­nec­tions to Adobe Cre­ative Cloud to ensure that the lat­est cre­ative tools and cloud ser­vices work seam­less­ly with DAM to unlock con­tent veloc­i­ty. We’ve also adapt­ed DAM to man­age video and emerg­ing for­mats such as 3D, VR scenes and 360-degree imag­ing, but also pub­lish all for­mats to any screen and any device.

Artificial Intelligence and automation, built in

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) is remov­ing the bur­den of mun­dane tasks asso­ci­at­ed with con­tent to make us more effi­cient. We’ve seen excit­ing new tech­nolo­gies to help mar­ket­ing auto-tag images with meta­da­ta or use AI to auto­mat­i­cal­ly apply crops that match the users end experience.

The val­ue of these emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies is obvi­ous; how­ev­er, the chal­lenge is how eas­i­ly can an orga­ni­za­tion incor­po­rate and use these new tools quick­ly and eas­i­ly with their DAM. With Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er, we’ve built in AI with Adobe Sen­sei to make it eas­i­er for our cus­tomers to adopt and meet the chal­lenge. Our cus­tomers will con­tin­ue to see inno­va­tion here as we unlock more intel­li­gent ser­vices from Sen­sei for DAM.

Customer success: Adobe and you

We are extreme­ly for­tu­nate to col­lab­o­rate with some of the best brands across sev­er­al indus­tries to solve their asset man­age­ment chal­lenges. Our solu­tion part­ners who pro­vide DAM plan­ning, set­up, and imple­men­ta­tion ser­vices have been a pil­lar to suc­cess. In addi­tion, our tech­nol­o­gy part­ners in the Adobe Exchange mar­ket­place have pro­vid­ed eas­i­er ways to con­nect their social, trans­la­tion, print, com­merce and video apps with Expe­ri­ence Manager.

Download the report

I invite you to take a look at the lat­est The For­rester Wave™: Dig­i­tal Asset Man­age­ment for Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence, Q2 2018 to learn more