Mastering the Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback on Design Work

From your first design school project to your freelance work or day job, giving and receiving feedback is a fundamental part of being a designer. At its worst, a critique of your work can feel personal, unproductive, or just plain confusing. At its best, feedback is inspiring, opens up new possibilities, and elevates your work to the next level. A design career will involve many opportunities to both give and receive feedback, and there are ways to practice making both roles as fruitful as possible.

3 tips for giving effective and useful constructive criticism

Being in the position of giving feedback is not to be taken lightly. Being invited to give feedback is an act of trust on the part of your team and colleagues. Some ways to ensure you maximize the efficacy and usefulness of your feedback are:

3 tips for receiving and incorporating feedback

Listening to and processing feedback is a useful skill for designers to develop. Even though it can feel scary and vulnerable, practice and experience help to overcome these jitters. In addition, here are approaches to getting the most from feedback when you are on the receiving end.

Feedback is a gift

It might not always seem like it, but the best feedback is a true gift. It is given without expectation, with the intention of being truly helpful and supportive. You can develop giving great feedback like any other skill, taking measures to ensure it is invited and specific. When you’re on the other side of the equation — receiving feedback — finding an openness and sense of control while actively listening will help smooth the process.

In both roles of feedback giver and receiver, one of the best ways to develop a culture of feedback is to model the desired behavior in these roles for others on your team and in your organization.

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