Bing Ads Builds Integration with Launch by Adobe

In today’s digital world, every action has a measurable reaction. As we become much more ambitious in our digital marketing campaigns across multiple channels, we need our tools to help make things simpler.

Website tags are core to measuring campaign performance. Tag management providers help make it easier for us to manage multiple tags at once and ensure they stay up to date.

That’s why we’re excited to partner with Adobe to integrate our Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag into Adobe Experience Platform Launch—Adobe’s next-generation tag management system.

My colleague Jim La Force, Partner Account Executive on the Bing Ads team, had this to say about Launch by Adobe:

“Launch by Adobe is a giant step forward in providing advertisers with a comprehensive tag management solution. Bing Ads was able to quickly integrate into this revolutionary new platform. And advertisers will experience how much easier it is for them to get started and stay up-to-date with our Bing Ads tag.”

Corey Spencer, Adobe’s Director of Product Management for Adobe Experience Platform, added:

“We built Launch by Adobe with open APIs so that brands can effortlessly integrate all of their favorite tools to speed up workflows and scale.”

The UET tag provides several benefits for your Bing Ads campaigns, such as enabling key features like remarketing, conversion tracking, automated bidding and new reporting insights.

Get started today by visiting the Adobe Experience Platform and enabling the Bing Ads UET tag extension within your Launch by Adobe dashboard.