Adobe at Cannes Lions 2018

As the ad world’s focus turns to tech­nol­o­gy, some in the indus­try have said that the Cannes Lions Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Cre­ativ­i­ty lost its “cre­ative heart.” In response, this year’s event is aimed at unit­ing fes­ti­val-goers “in their belief in cre­ativ­i­ty as a pow­er­ful force in the world.” We couldn’t agree more. Cre­ativ­i­ty is our DNA, and we know great cre­ative expe­ri­ences are what tru­ly con­nect peo­ple to each oth­er, and to the com­pa­nies they love

Yet, with the mas­sive changes afoot in the ad indus­try, and our ever-chang­ing glob­al cul­tur­al land­scape, is your brand’s ad strat­e­gy future-proof? This is the ques­tion we’ve set out to help answer at Cannes Lions 2018. Draw­ing from our cre­ative her­itage with Adobe Cre­ative Cloud, as well as indus­try-lead­ing Adver­tis­ing Cloud solu­tions, Adobe is the only com­pa­ny that helps brands bring togeth­er con­tent and data, art and science.

In Cannes, at Fes­ti­val ses­sions, in the news, on this blog, and over social media, you will hear from us, our part­ners and cus­tomers about how cre­atives and brands can suc­cess­ful­ly nav­i­gate the com­plex adver­tis­ing envi­ron­ment and win cus­tomer mindshare.

See below for a slate of activ­i­ties where you can join us online and in per­son if you will be in Cannes this year.

Accelerating Creativity in the Age of AI

Mon­day, June 18th, 1:00 – 1:45PM CEST | Debussy Theater
Won the Cannes Lions’ “CMO Pick” – Watch live at

The poten­tial impact of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence on cre­ativ­i­ty is a top­ic of much debate. And though much of the dis­cus­sion has been focused on far out, sci-fi visions or fears of human obso­les­cence, AI is already dri­ving huge break­throughs today in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and effi­cien­cy. And some of great­est impacts are just around the cor­ner in the areas of ampli­fy­ing and accel­er­at­ing human cre­ativ­i­ty. Join this live­ly dis­cus­sion and demon­stra­tion among cre­ative lumi­nar­ies liv­ing on the cut­ting edge of cre­ativ­i­ty in the age of AI. And see prac­ti­cal exam­ples of how AI and machine learn­ing will accel­er­ate and boost human cre­ativ­i­ty in inspir­ing and jaw drop­ping ways.

The Growing Evolution of TV Ads

Mon­day June 18th, 5–7pm CEST in the Adobe Flat, 4th Floor, 13 Rue des Serbes
Reg­is­ter now

TV is still the most pow­er­ful medi­um for mar­ket­ing to the mass­es, but frag­men­ta­tion and vari­a­tions in region­al TV mar­kets have cre­at­ed chal­lenges in reach, effi­cien­cy and mea­sure­ment. Today, technology’s ben­e­fits for adver­tis­ers invest­ing in TV are too sig­nif­i­cant to ignore and it is imper­a­tive that the indus­try evolves glob­al­ly. Attend this exclu­sive pan­el, where we will dis­cuss the state of TV inven­to­ry (includ­ing pro­gram­mat­ic, address­able and con­nect­ed TV), plan­ning and buy­ing as it relates to tech­nol­o­gy and soft­ware, and the many dif­fer­ent fac­tors affect­ing glob­al marketplaces.

Merging Creative, Data + Tech to Drive Engaging Customer Experiences

Tues­day June 19th, 5–7pm CEST in the Adobe Flat, 4th Floor, 13 Rue des Serbes
Reg­is­ter now

Join us for a dis­cus­sion and demo fea­tur­ing brand and agency leads who are explor­ing inno­v­a­tive ways to evolve the cre­ative process. Hear about emerg­ing tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions that are chang­ing the way mar­keters, cre­atives, and agen­cies collaborate.


Mon­day June 18 – Wednes­day June 20, 1–5pm CEST in the Adobe Cabana
Fol­low #Diver­se­Voic­es on Twit­ter and Insta­gram. Share the cre­ative pieces.

Com­pa­nies can’t afford to be tone deaf to the chang­ing cus­tomer land­scape. Cre­ative ad expe­ri­ences, smart­ly placed, are just the start. Cus­tomers are proud of their diverse back­grounds, and they sup­port brands that appre­ci­ate this. The grow­ing appetite for a more diverse cul­ture means brands need a more diverse­ly cre­ative approach to reflect this shift and reach cus­tomers. Great cre­ative teams to the rescue.

In Cannes this year, our #Diver­se­Voic­es acti­va­tion (stay tuned for more info com­ing this week) will show­case atten­dees’ thoughts on the impor­tance of diver­si­ty in adver­tis­ing and the cre­ative indus­try. We’re enlist­ing two of our Cre­ative Res­i­dents to pro­duce a series of por­traits and designs to tell the sto­ries of cre­atives they meet around the festival.

Addi­tion­al­ly, we are proud to be a part of the new­ly launched UN Women’s Unstereo­type Alliance, work­ing to elim­i­nate gen­der bias and harm­ful gen­der stereo­types from adver­tis­ing. Fol­low them on Twit­ter and Face­book to see the lat­est from this impor­tant new group.