Adobe Advertising Cloud and TuneIn Partner to Give Advertisers New Ways to Target Audio Ads on Smart Speakers

Hear that? Dig­i­tal audio just arrived. Mil­lions of con­sumers are stream­ing music, live radio and pod­casts every month. There are more ways to lis­ten to audio con­tent than ever, from smart cars to smart­phones to smart speakers.

With so many smart devices, smart mar­keters are begin­ning to fol­low suit. But with so many options, it can be hard for adver­tis­ers to plan, buy and mea­sure dig­i­tal audio adver­tis­ing in all of its forms and incor­po­rate it into a holis­tic cross-chan­nel strat­e­gy. That’s why Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud’s DSP launched auto­mat­ed, data-dri­ven buy­ing of dig­i­tal audio ads last year with TuneIn.

TuneIn, the lead­ing glob­al stream­ing live audio ser­vice, is used by over 75 mil­lion lis­ten­ers to access live sports, up-to-the-minute news, curat­ed music, mil­lions of pod­casts and over 120,000 stream­ing radio sta­tions. Through Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud’s On Demand mar­ket­place, adver­tis­ers can now auto­mate ad buys across TuneIn’s diverse array of con­tent streamed across devices.

Dri­ven by ear­ly suc­cess of the part­ner­ship, TuneIn and Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud began test­ing new and emerg­ing ad for­mats like 15- and 30-sec­ond dig­i­tal video ads, ear­li­er this year.

Today, Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud announced that it is now also able to tar­get dig­i­tal audio ads on smart speak­ers across hun­dreds of TuneIn’s owned-and-oper­at­ed sta­tions. Con­tent on the host­ed and curat­ed sta­tions ranges from genre-based music (i.e. “Coun­try Roads”) to mood-based con­tent (i.e. “Yoga” or “Pool­side”) to 24/7 live stream­ing of top music fes­ti­vals like San Francisco’s Out­side Lands.

At launch, con­tex­tu­al tar­get­ing is avail­able by device, sta­tion type and mul­ti-cul­tur­al seg­ment. The ad format—90-second audio ads, which run twice hourly on each station—enables adver­tis­ers to dri­ve engage­ment in a less clut­tered environment.

“Giv­en the high cal­iber of our owned con­tent and its pop­u­lar­i­ty among users, we’re very strate­gic when it comes to ad inte­gra­tions,” said Bil­ly Hart­man, Vice Pres­i­dent of Glob­al Rev­enue and Part­ner­ships at TuneIn. “Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud’s inde­pen­dence, lack of media own­er­ship and con­tin­ued inno­va­tion make them a key partner—which is why we select­ed them to be the first to test ads tar­get­ing smart speakers.”