CX Wheels In Motion For Brazil’s JCA Group

Creating a single, fluid customer experience across multiple points of contact is no easy feat for a conglomerate of many companies. But the challenges are anything but insurmountable, as is the experience of Rodrigo Trevizan, chief marketing officer at the JCA Group.

CX Wheels In Motion For Brazil’s JCA Group

Creating a single, fluid customer experience across multiple points of contact is no easy feat for a conglomerate of many companies. But the challenges are anything but insurmountable, as is the experience of Rodrigo Trevizan, chief marketing officer at the JCA Group, a Brazilian holding company comprising 10 different companies in the transportation and logistics sector.

In this interview with, Trevizan talks about marketing’s role in JCA Group’s customer-centric digital transformation. Digital transformation is a recurrent and urgent theme for many companies today. How does JCA address the issue internally, and what is the role of marketing in this transformation?

Trevizan: We have many companies and businesses, and each of them has challenges at different levels when it comes to digital transformation. The important thing for us was to place the client in the center of our decision-making process, in the center of our actions. Once that was defined, the entire company focused on designing and implementing a new consumer journey.

The role of marketing during this transformation is to inspire the organization but also to become the agent that drives change. We have to understand the needs of our clients and scan for market opportunities. We then use these data to prioritize, with the heads of each business, the projects that must be implemented as a part of the ideal journey. What were the first steps toward the execution of a strategy focused on customer experience?

Trevizan: The process became more structured in the last few months. We hired data specialists and acquired technological tools to develop and unify our databases, which made it easier for us to access information. So far, we have learned that data analysis leads us to make decisions that are often counterintuitive. When applied to marketing campaigns, these decisions have fast results.

We created an area within the marketing department, dedicated to the client, which is responsible for designing the entire journey for each of the businesses under our holding company. In other words, this area maps out the relationships that we have with customers and makes sure that each business delivers what was planned. Moreover, the new area is responsible for our customer service, through which it receives complaints and interacts with other areas of the company to implement a process of continuous improvement within our management system. Mobile devices have become a strategic platform in the consumer journey. What is the role of such devices for a holding company in the transportation sector?

Trevizan: Our current media and tool-building strategies are 100% based on mobile devices. Everything comes from and is applied to mobile platforms.

** Consumer journeys have undergone profound changes. With that in mind, what is the biggest challenge faced by marketing professionals today? **

** Trevizan:** The first challenge is to capture the attention of consumers. We are impacted by content all the time, from every side. And that is not all. We must ensure that communication with the client is built within the context of a consistent and meaningful experience.

Clients constantly evaluate our companies, and when it comes to consumer experience, they compare us to competitors in our sector, but also with other global players that have the best consumer experience worldwide. In this context, the only companies that will prosper will be those that place the client in the center of their strategies and guarantee that customer expectations are entirely fulfilled.