GP PRO Regains Brand Ownership by In-Housing B2B Marketing
Image courtesy of Georgia-Pacific Professional.
If you work in an office, visit your favorite restaurant, or spend time in basically any corporate building, chances are you’ll come across Georgia-Pacific Professional’s (GP PRO) products. One of the world’s largest manufacturers of cleaning, food packaging, cutlery, and other useful products, GP PRO is a trusted brand in the U.S. and abroad.
With a mission to “perfect the practical,” GP PRO’s marketing and sales materials need to reflect its award-winning, innovative qualities every time they are released. This is no small feat for a company that serves so many industries and regions with such a diverse and extensive product line.
GP PRO traditionally outsourced much of its marketing and sales material creation, but wasn’t entirely satisfied with the speed, consistency, or quality of its content production. So, the company decided to bring its B2B marketing in-house to speed up content generation, standardize its brand guidelines, and centralize management of its expansive marketing portfolio.
Empowering in-house creatives
As part of this effort GP PRO turned to Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Stock for enterprise to gain greater control of its branded materials. GP PRO’s talented in-house designers didn’t take long to begin doing exciting things with their new creative solutions.
“At first, we were interested in Adobe Creative Cloud just for access to critical design tools such as Adobe InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, and Photoshop CC,” explains Rachel Couvillon, Sr. Manager, Graphic Design Capability at GP PRO. “But recently, we started using Adobe Creative Cloud services to be more collaborative and efficient so that we can create more compelling sales and marketing collateral.”
Improving creative asset management
The team also experienced a smoother, more streamlined workflow when developing new marketing content by using Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries. By creating a library for each brand, designers know that they always have the proper assets at a moment’s notice. “Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries allows us to create asset collections that are constantly up to date, improving collaboration and saving a great deal of time,” says Rachel.
The department uses Adobe Stock for enterprise, which reduces the time it takes to find the right images, video clips, and vector graphics for their infographics and other assets. The service also helps the team acquire licenses that fit GP PRO’s strict legal requirements.
GP Pro designers use the search capabilities powered by Adobe Sensei within Adobe Stock to erase the hours of work traditionally spent on finding the perfect image or graphic. Dynamic aesthetic search filters and the ability to recognize extremely specific elements help them refine searches to focus in on just what they need.
Experimenting with new tools
With all those time savings, the designers are beginning to tackle even more exciting projects. They recently began to use Adobe XD CC to better collaborate with developers on UX design. With the ability to create, prototype, and share user experiences, GP PRO can better communicate to developers the desired interactive behavior for each page on the company website.
By bringing its B2B marketing in-house, GP PRO regained its content control and brand ownership, while opening up new opportunities to develop sales and marketing materials that speak directly to customers’ needs.
To learn more about how GP PRO is revolutionizing its marketing efforts through the use of Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Stock for enterprise, as well as how these solutions can help your business reach new heights, click here.