Free Adobe XD UI Kit: A Flexible Editorial Design Solution Inspired by Bauhaus

The Bauhaus School of Design is iconic, and its impact in modern design principles can still be felt today. It is thoughtful yet uncompromising, with a unique visual style and a guiding principle of “form follows function.” It is, in every way, a design hidden treasure — one that applies as much to experience design (UX) designers as it does to graphic designers and illustrators. That’s why we commissioned the MY500 UI Kit for Adobe XD and are offering it to you now for free.

The user interface (UI) kit uses the Reross font, originally conceptualized by Bauhaus master Reinhold Rossig and recreated by Elia Preuss. The font is one of five that are part of Adobe Hidden Treasures, a campaign to revitalize and share these Bauhaus fonts with Creative Cloud members, a century after the Bauhaus school created them in Dessau, Germany. Read on to learn how the font and Bauhaus’s guiding principles are reflected in this UI kit, then download the free MY500 UI Kit yourself and follow in these masters’ footsteps with Adobe XD.

MY500: Editorial content modules, different navigation patterns, and Bauhaus design elements

The MY500 UI Kit focuses on editorial design. Its visual language is inspired by the masters of the Bauhaus movement. Its typographic concept, Reross, was originally created by Reinhold in the 1920s and has been recreated by Elia. It now finds its purpose in the digital space. It includes:

Its mix-and-match concept allows maximum flexibility when designing, and makes it possible to create impactful layouts within a very short time. Simply pick a module, drag it onto your art board, and insert your content.


Meet the designer: Melanie Daveid

UX designer Melanie Daveid.

Melanie is a UX strategist from Austria with an interdisciplinary background in product development, brand design, and art direction. Her professional journey has led her from self-employment, to working with globally known brands at agencies, and eventually to start-up life where she has managed a team of creatives. Lately, she has been focusing on product management at eBay.

Melanie calls herself an “enfant terrible” of the “digital avantgarde.” She enjoys nothing more than a decent high-five!

Want more UI kits and design resources? Adobe XD has them

Adobe XD has many other free UI resources available, including the Vault UI Kit that puts security UX tools in your toolkit. We’ve also released five recent UI kits and icon sets designed to help you build everything from a restaurant website to a fashion e-commerce hub. After you’ve explored MY500, check out these other UI kits below:

Not sure where to start? Check out our full list of tools and resources for everything you need to get started designing, prototyping, sharing, and working with unique UI kits in Adobe XD. And for UX insights sent straight to your inbox, sign up for Adobe’s experience design newsletter.