Artist Spotlight: Nuwan Panditha

Image Source: Nuwan Panditha.

As an artist, Nuwan Panditha is always experimenting with new styles and technologies, from 3D modeling to visual effects. But he’s also grounded in the fundamentals of graphic design and advertising.

We talked to Nuwan about how he decided to become an artist, what he thinks about the pace of technology these days, and how he connects his own work to the past.

Hi, Nuwan! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your creative background?

I’m a 34-year-old Italian, born in Sri Lanka, and currently working as a freelance artist based in Spain.

What brought me into art in the beginning was the passion I developed for street art when I was a teenager, almost 20 years ago. This led me to try making street art sketches on the computer, and also to the discovery of some early 3D-modeling programs. I was totally caught by it, so I specialized in the creation of 3D content and worked in the field of CGI animation and advertising for almost 10 years.

Four years ago, I started creating and selling Photoshop actions and other graphical products on online marketplaces, and since then I’ve been working remotely with clients and collaborators from different countries.

How would you describe your style?

I’m not sure if I have a specific style. I’m a curious person, and I like experimenting with any style — and learning while doing it.

Image Source: Nuwan Panditha.

Where do you find your inspiration?

In general, when I have to deal with a specific topic, I collect some reference images on the internet and more information if possible, then wait for inspiration to come. It could come from anything that catches my attention.

What’s the most important tool you use for your work? Why?

Right now it’s Photoshop because it fits in many different kinds of productions.

What surprises you the most about life as a professional artist?

I’m amazed at how fast technology is moving.

Image Source: Nuwan Panditha.

How has your own work changed over the years? Where do you think it’s headed?

It’s continuously changing, and I’d like to know too where it’s headed, trends and influences that are changing. Technology that is moving this fast and many other factors make it difficult to predict.

But I’ve been completely immersed in the digital world in the last years and I’m feeling, more and more, the need to create something more tangible.

What kind of art would you like to try that you haven’t ever done before?

Probably sculpting.

Image Source: Nuwan Panditha.

This month on the blog we’re talking about how history and memory are influencing the visual arts. How do historical influences shape your work?

Periodically there is an artist or work from the past that I like that could also have an influence on my work. I’ve always liked art history and wanted to understand why the classic arts were so different than what we have today, how they were integrating geometry in their work, and how they were able to create those perfect anatomies.

If you could have dinner with any artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Since I wonder so much about art history, how could I pass up a chance to dine with Leonardo da Vinci?

A big thanks to Nuwan for sharing his thoughts with us. We’re excited about what’s next for him, and we’ve got our fingers crossed that it involves at least a little bit of sculpture. For more of Nuwan’s work, visit his portfolio on Behance.