Adobe Campaign helps Royal London Surpass ROI and Revenue Goals

Every­one wants to feel opti­mistic about the future, espe­cial­ly when it comes to their pen­sions, life insur­ance, and retire­ment assets. That’s why Roy­al Lon­don Mutu­al Insur­ance Soci­ety Lim­it­ed works hard to make finan­cial plan­ning approach­able, light-heart­ed, and rel­e­vant for cus­tomers so they can stay pos­i­tive and max­imise their portfolios.

To achieve its cus­tomer-cen­tric mar­ket­ing goals, the com­pa­ny imple­ment­ed Adobe Cam­paign, which enables mar­keters to cre­ate more tar­get­ed cam­paigns and emails that address prospects’ inter­ests. After begin­ning to work with Cam­paign, Roy­al Lon­don sur­passed its first year ROI expec­ta­tions in just 8 months, and reached 158% of its rev­enue goal after 12 months.

Adobe Cus­tomer Solu­tions worked close­ly with Roy­al Lon­don to bring the Adobe plat­form to mar­ket in just 12 weeks with­out dis­rupt­ing ser­vice. Staff par­tic­i­pat­ed in train­ing deliv­ered by Adobe Dig­i­tal Learn­ing Ser­vices that taught them how to deliv­er per­son­alised campaigns.

“Adobe Cus­tomer Solu­tions sim­pli­fied our adop­tion and showed us dif­fer­ent ways to use the tech­nol­o­gy and improve our agili­ty,” says Ajay Solan­ki, Con­sumer Dig­i­tal Lead at Roy­al Lon­don Mutu­al Insur­ance Soci­ety Lim­it­ed. “We were also able to organ­ise and ben­e­fit from our data faster—including data from inte­gra­tions with Microsoft Dynamics.”

Why per­son­al­iza­tion matters

With Adobe Cam­paign, Roy­al Lon­don con­nects its adver­tis­ing, CRM, email, direct mail, call cen­ter, online, and mobile app data to devel­op a com­pre­hen­sive omnichan­nel view of cus­tomer jour­neys. This allows mar­keters to use infor­ma­tion that they learned about a cus­tomer through one chan­nel on all channels.

For exam­ple, a cus­tomer who starts an online quote for life insur­ance but doesn’t com­plete it may receive a re-engage­ment email that directs them to a tar­get­ed land­ing page where they can fin­ish the process. Rev­enues from these types of tar­get­ed cam­paigns exceed­ed ini­tial goals by more than 58%, clear­ly demon­strat­ing the pow­er of personalisation.

Adobe Cam­paign also helps Roy­al Lon­don improve effi­cien­cy. Rather than spend­ing two to three weeks exe­cut­ing a basic email cam­paign, Adobe Cam­paign allows mar­keters to send mul­ti­ple cam­paigns each week, giv­ing them more time to analyse per­for­mance and cus­tomer behav­iour so they can meet cus­tomer expectations.

“Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud gives us a foun­da­tion for under­stand­ing what is going on now and the trends that will shape the future,” says Solan­ki. “With this, we can con­tin­ue to antic­i­pate cus­tomer needs to dri­ve our suc­cess and cus­tomer values.”

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