Find the Perfect Image Faster with Preview Crop on Adobe Stock

From social media posts to display advertising, responsive web design, and more, we know today’s designers need multiple image dimensions for their campaigns. With the new Preview Crop feature on Adobe Stock, you can instantly preview images in various standard sizes, and easily input your own custom dimensions.

Gone are the days that required a multi-step process of downloading a watermarked image, uploading it into an editing app, layering it with a dimension-size mask overlay, and then going back to purchase the image.

Whether being used personally on your social channels or professionally for business, the Preview Crop feature is ideal for those who need to visualize how an image will look in multiple sized formats from Instagram Stories to Display Banners — saving you time in creating your creative projects while streamlining the steps within your workflow.

Browse Adobe Stock to find the perfect asset for your creative project. Once you’ve selected an image, you’ll see the “Preview Crop” option below the image.

Once you click “Preview Crop,” you have the option to select multiple aspect ratios and scale the image as you see fit.

As you’ll see in this preview, we’ve used the 1:1 aspect ratio, which is the dimension for Facebook Mobile ads and in-stream.

The 9:16 aspect ratio shown above is the dimension used for vertical video, as well as Facebook and Instagram Stories.

Additionally, Preview Crop also allows us to scale the image depending upon if we want to be zoomed in on our selected image once set within our desired aspect ratio.

With Preview Crop, you also have the option to incorporate custom aspect ratios. Say, for example, we wanted to isolate the woman, and the standard ratios didn’t quite isolate her enough. We can easily add our dimensions, in this case we set it at 9:28, to see an automatic preview of what the aspect ratio would look like if cropped.

Find your perfect asset on Adobe Stock today.