FrameMaker 2019 Update 1

Just a few days ago we released Update 1 for Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release). In this first update since the launch of FrameMaker 2019 on August 22, 2018, we have incorporated a number of enhancements and ironed out a lot of smaller glitches. I would like to extend big thanks to all those who’ve contributed by reporting issues and helping us improve the product. We have been actively listening to your feedback. Please continue to send us your feedback. We’re listening and will continue to improve the product as we go along in the coming months.

The detailed release notes are available here.

In this post:

What’s new and better

Following is the major list of areas where most enhancements and bug fixes have been undertaken as part of Update 1.

New Save as PDF Workflow

In the initial FrameMaker (2019 release), PDF publishing was only possible through the Publish pod. For publishing to PDF, the settings defined in the Publish Settings dialog are used. The output location was also taken from the Publish pod. To change the output location for the final PDF, you were required to update the output pathname in the Publish pod every time.

With the Update 1 release, you will get the Save Document dialog whenever you choose to save a document as a PDF from the File → Save As PDF menu. In the Save Document dialog, you can select a location where you want to save the PDF file. The settings are taken from the PDF publish settings. Note, that the output location specified in the Publish pod and the Save Document dialog are mutually exclusive.

Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release) – Update 1 – Save as PDF

With the Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release) – Update 1 release, saving a document, book, ditamap or DITA XML as PDF becomes as easy as selecting File → Save As PDF.

Once the PDF publishing is completed, a dialog is shown, confirming that the PDF was successfully generated, which settings file was used. You can also open the generated PDF directly in Acrobat with the View PDF button.

Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release) – Update 1 – Save as PDF – Confirmation dialog

The Adobe FrameMaker (2019 release) PDF publishing confirmation dialog shows which settings file was used and gives you the possibility to open the PDF directly in Acrobat with the View PDF button.

These enhancements make publishing content to PDF with the FrameMaker 2019’s new native PDF engine even more fun and convenient.

Enhanced PDF Publishing

In Update 1, there are a number of enhancements made in the new PDF publishing engine. These enhancements include:

Upgraded OpenSSL integration

FrameMaker (2019 release) was shipped with OpenSSL 1.1.0h. OpenSSL is a toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols.

As there were some vulnerabilities reported in 1.1.0h release, the OpenSSL version has now been upgraded. FrameMaker Update 1 now supports OpenSSL version 1.1.1, released in September 2018 (for more information see the blog post on

With this upgrade, we have also upgraded libcurl libraries and resolved the PhoneGap login issue which some customers have reported.

Other Fixes

Some of the other issues addressed in this update are:

  1. EPS images going only in RGB space into PDF. With Update 1, EPS images now go into the PDF as RGB or CMYK depending on their source color space.
  2. Improvements in PDF/X compliance.
  3. FrameMaker’s user interface now scales properly in a multiple monitors setup with mixed classic and high-dpi screens.
  4. FrameMaker creates a backup file now if Auto Save Every x Minutes option is enabled.
  5. Few crashers fixed in areas such as .u3d files in 64-bit, on closing FrameMaker was crashing to name a few.

The full list of Fixed Issues and Fixed crashers is available here.

How to get Update 1 of FrameMaker 2019 release

The best way to update the FrameMaker 2019 application is to select Help → Updates FrameMaker’s main menu to check for the latest update.

After the update, the FrameMaker version will be That’s good to know, isn’t it?

Found a bug? Want to suggest an improvement? Let us know!

You found a bug? You have an idea? You want to get something improved in the product?

There’s a channel for that: We call it “Adobe Tracker.” Adobe Tracker is your place to go when you find a bug and want to report it to us so that we can fix it in the next release. You can also file in your feature requests, ideas, requests for improvements. It’s very easy to do and the reports go directly into our systems, and our product managers, engineers, and support people have direct access to it.

Before you file a bug report or idea, you might want to check, if someone else has done it already. You can search through the database here. In case you find something fitting, you can add comments to the existing bug and you can also “vote” for this bug or feature request. And the more people vote for a feature … You get the idea.