Dixons Carphone Brings High-Touch Shopping Experience Online

For many peo­ple, there’s noth­ing quite like the excite­ment of shop­ping for the lat­est gad­gets, whether it’s the newest smart­phone, a lap­top, a big-screen TV, or even a new kitchen appli­ance. But these types of cost­ly pur­chas­es typ­i­cal­ly aren’t impulse buys. Most peo­ple spend days or weeks research­ing their options—some brows­ing in stores, oth­ers shop­ping online, and some doing both.

Wher­ev­er peo­ple decide to shop, retail­ers like Dixons Car­phone need to be able to deliv­er great offers, per­son­al atten­tion, help­ful prod­uct infor­ma­tion, and exclu­sive deals. For­tu­nate­ly, Dixons Car­phone already excels at pro­vid­ing this kind of expe­ri­ence in stores. Its chal­lenge was bring­ing that same expe­ri­ence of per­son­al­iza­tion to shop­ping online.

Using Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, the pop­u­lar con­sumer elec­tron­ics retail­er set out to accom­plish two things: 1) ramp up per­son­al­iza­tion on its web­sites and 2) get faster.

Goal 1: Personalization

Imag­ine shop­ping for a smart­phone and see­ing only spe­cial deals on tele­vi­sions. For con­sumers, a lack of per­son­al­iza­tion can be frus­trat­ing and quick­ly lead them to look else­where. To avoid this, Dixons Car­phone uses Adobe Tar­get and Adobe Ana­lyt­ics to pro­vide online shop­pers with con­tent tai­lored to their inter­ests, so peo­ple feel that the com­pa­ny is lis­ten­ing and respond­ing to their needs—just like a sales asso­ciate might do in a store.

It’s an approach that’s paid off for Dixons. In addi­tion to enhanc­ing cus­tomer ser­vice, per­son­al­ized inter­ac­tions have boost­ed con­ver­sion rates on the web­site by up to 17%.

At the same time, Dixons Car­phone is get­ting some addi­tion­al dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing help from the Adobe Tar­get Search&Promote capa­bil­i­ty. In this case, the abil­i­ty to mon­i­tor things like top-sell­ing prod­ucts and then rec­om­mend those prod­ucts to shop­pers has result­ed in 7% high­er con­ver­sions so far.

Goal 2: Speed

For Dixons Car­phone, speed to mar­ket can be a huge com­pet­i­tive advan­tage. Con­sid­er the rapid-fire deals on Black Fri­day and Cyber Mon­day. Or new prod­uct releas­es, where get­ting prod­ucts out for sale ahead of the com­pe­ti­tion is cru­cial for grab­bing mar­ket share.

Here, too, Dixons Car­phone is see­ing some mea­sur­able impacts from Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud. Using Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er, the com­pa­ny is now 10 times faster at updat­ing its web­site and 500% faster at launch­ing new cam­paigns. It also saved 400 hours of devel­op­ment time in 6 months.

Speed is also good for con­sumers. It means peo­ple can find the best deal on that new smart­phone or sim­ply spend a lot less time com­par­ing lap­top fea­tures, so they can start enjoy­ing their new tech right away.

For Dixons Car­phone, using Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud is not just about sell­ing its prod­ucts online. It’s about cre­at­ing a dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence that par­al­lels the per­son­al­ized ser­vice peo­ple get in its stores. This puts the retail­er in a great posi­tion as con­sumers’ shop­ping habits evolve.

Read the sto­ry: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/customer-success/pdfs/dixons-carphone-case-study.pdf