Introducing “Making MOGRTs”: an eBook for Creating Motion Graphic Templates

Motion graphics templates (MOGRTs) are built for video editors to quickly and easily add polished, customized animations and design elements to their video projects. For artists who are interested in creating them, we published basic step-by-step instructions on how to create MOGRTs, but we’ve gone a step further to bring you an in-depth eBook that dives into the power of After Effects to create MOGRTs.

The eBook is appropriately named “Making MOGRTS.” It was written by Jarle Leirpoll, an Adobe Certified Expert, Adobe Certified Instructor, and founder of

It’s available to download for free!

The eBook not only explains how to create motion graphics templates in After Effects, but also explains in depth the ins and outs of the essential graphics panel, expressions, responsive design, data-driven infographics, design tips, optimization, universalizing, and selling and sharing of MOGRTs.

Here are a handful of tips that are included inside the eBook:

This eBook is a great guide to learn how to create motion graphics templates that you can license on Adobe Stock, so download, read, and enjoy.

If you need a little inspiration, check out our collection of motion graphics templates available on Adobe Stock today.