History and Memory Comes to Life in Paris

Paris has the reputation as the city of love, but it’s also a city of history. At the end of the 18th century, Frenchman Louis Daguerre invented the Daguerreotype, and became the father to modern photography. He pioneered a new way of seeing.

Image source: Eve Saint Ramon / Adobe Stock.

Fast forward to present day. While technology has developed at dizzying speeds, Paris still remains steeped in history. From the Moulin de la Galette to the Moulin Rouge, to the cafes and salons once frequented by Modigliani, Picasso, Matisse and Apollinaire.

Image source: rudiuk / Adobe Stock.

Taking inspiration from the history of art and photography in Paris, the Stock team hosted a photowalk in partnership with Leica to photograph the vintage beauty of the French capital.

Joined by our top French contributors, we selected locations around historic Montmartre with cinematic charm – corners where you would have expected to Toulouse Lautrec or Amélie Poulain emerge in the early mornings, cobblestone stairs leading to the Sacred Heart, and classic Parisian homes cluttered with ivy and filled with charm.

Image source: shocky / Adobe Stock.

Image source: Joachim Martin / Adobe Stock.

Premium contributor and retro pin-up photographer Eve Saint Ramon, who lead the photowalk, emphasizes the importance of listening to your surroundings in order to capture the perfect moment: “I have a very developed capacity to listen, and I love to watch people…. Sitting on a café terrace, watching the city and its activity—that inspires me a lot. Just to converse with someone nourishes my imagination and creativity.”

Image source: Eleonore H / Adobe Stock.

During the month of December, selections from the photoshoot will be displayed in Leica’s Elle & Lui Photographie boutique in Montmartre.

Travel back in time with our stunning vintage collection on Adobe Stock.