Costa Crociere Delivers the Magic of a Cruise Long Before You Step Onboard

Plan­ning a vaca­tion is excit­ing and with so many ways for peo­ple to research their next trip, trav­el com­pa­nies are look­ing to stand out with more per­son­al­ized and respon­sive ser­vices. That’s why Ital­ian cruise line, Cos­ta Crociere, redesigned its dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence to help peo­ple bet­ter imag­ine them­selves on a cruise—wherever they are, what­ev­er devices they use—bringing fun and mag­ic to trip research.

The results so far? Total cruise book­ings increased by 10 per­cent. Online sales rose 13 per­cent, while bounce rates fell 12 per­cent. The aver­age Net Pro­mot­er Score (NPS) across Cos­ta brands also rose 10 points to an impres­sive 55.

“Expe­ri­ence is every­thing in our busi­ness. We don’t sell phys­i­cal prod­ucts or ser­vices; we sell mem­o­ries,” says Alessan­dro Casel­la­to, ecom­merce and dig­i­tal direc­tor, Glob­al and Strate­gic Mar­ket­ing at Cos­ta Crociere. “That fan­tas­tic cus­tomer expe­ri­ence should extend to research­ing and book­ing a cruise. We want cus­tomers to reach out to us on any touch­point they desire and in their native language.”

Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud pow­ers new dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences at Cos­ta Crociere, sup­port­ing respon­sive web­sites in 19 mar­kets and 12 lan­guages, a mobile app, and pow­er­ful insights into how peo­ple shop for vaca­tions. It’s how the cruise com­pa­ny is attract­ing new cus­tomers and earn­ing repeat busi­ness, ignit­ing their nos­tal­gia and excite­ment for the next per­fect vacation.

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