Achieved its Most Successful Black Friday to Date

It’s bet­ter to out­smart your com­peti­tors than to out­spend them.

It’s a strat­e­gy that has worked well for To keep prices low for cus­tomers, the online retail­er focus­es on opti­miz­ing its mar­ket­ing spend—and last year, it made a break­through change in its ad campaigns.

For Black Fri­day in 2017, kicked off a series of flash sales in a cam­paign span­ning web, mobile, social, search, affil­i­ate sites, and dis­play. Tar­get­ed ads went out auto­mat­i­cal­ly, car­ry­ing mes­sag­ing and dis­count codes spe­cif­ic to each chan­nel and audi­ence. Each sale last­ed 48 hours, with web­site and social media ads count­ing down the sec­onds in real time. Shop­pers hur­ried to take advan­tage of the offers. When one deal end­ed, anoth­er start­ed automatically—bringing in wave after wave of shoppers.

The cam­paign was sophis­ti­cat­ed and ambi­tious, and it worked. saw click-through rates for dis­play ads rise 160%. Its cost per acqui­si­tion fell 46% through social chan­nels and 24% through search.

As Jay Karsan­das, senior dig­i­tal man­ag­er at explains, “None of our direct com­peti­tors could match the com­plex­i­ty of the Black Fri­day cam­paign we ran with Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud. Despite the intense­ly com­pet­i­tive mar­ket, it was our most suc­cess­ful Black Fri­day to date with a record num­ber of orders through Search.”

Ready for future Black Fri­days, and every day in between

The Black Fri­day cam­paign gave the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing team a lot of con­fi­dence. Instead of stay­ing in their lanes like they used to, they’re mov­ing flu­id­ly across chan­nels. They use deep­er cus­tomer insights to dri­ve cam­paigns and more accu­rate mul­ti-touch attri­bu­tion mod­els, so they can see exact­ly what works and what doesn’t. What they don’t do is wor­ry about man­ag­ing key­words and adjust­ing bids because it all hap­pens auto­mat­i­cal­ly with help from fea­tures pow­ered by Adobe Sen­sei in Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud, opti­miz­ing returns on ad spend.

All this means the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing team at can devote more time to pur­su­ing new ideas and more cre­ative cam­paigns, and out­smart­ing the competition.

Read more about ad opti­miza­tion at