Telenor Boosts Return on Ad Spend by 70 Percent

For all the talk of cord-cut­ting, cable com­pa­nies still have an edge. Where else can you watch all the big games, pre­mi­um movies, and exclu­sive TV shows, with afford­able high-speed inter­net as well?

But as com­pe­ti­tion increas­es, they must find new ways to com­mu­ni­cate their unique val­ue. That’s why Nor­way-based tele­com provider Telenor recent­ly ramped up its paid search game, using AI to get smarter and deliv­er more tar­get­ed, cost-effec­tive dig­i­tal ads.

Using ads direct­ing peo­ple to its broad­band check page—where peo­ple can look up ser­vice avail­abil­i­ty in their area—Telenor boost­ed response rates by 58 per­cent while cut­ting its spend­ing by 11 per­cent. Total return on ad spend went up 70 per­cent. These num­bers are a strong indi­ca­tor of future sub­scrip­tions because con­sumers who do a broad­band check are more like­ly to become subscribers.

The mobile num­bers are even bet­ter. Ad costs dropped 14 per­cent while broad­band checks rose 117 per­cent, result­ing in a 144 per­cent boost in return on spend.

The tools behind the strategy

Telenor uses Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud Search with fea­tures pow­ered by Adobe Sen­sei to man­age its paid search strat­e­gy, lever­ag­ing arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to adjust spend across all key­words to opti­mize ad per­for­mance and get the most out of its bud­get. The com­pa­ny also uses Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er, and Adobe Tar­get to under­stand what peo­ple want, cre­ate con­sis­tent audi­ence seg­ments, and tar­get them with offers that meet their needs. It even uses geo­tar­get­ing to home in on cer­tain cities or neigh­bor­hoods. The upshot is that Telenor can keep its ad bud­gets focused on ads that offer the great­est returns.

Yes, peo­ple still want cable TV. With a more sophis­ti­cat­ed approach to paid search, Telenor is now smarter at reach­ing them.

Read more about how Telenor is opti­miz­ing dig­i­tal chan­nels to reach consumers