Visual Communication is Key to Improve Customer Experience

Visual marketing, screen recording, and collaboration key to improving customer experience.

July 1, 1941, the Brooklyn Dodgers were facing off against the Philadelphia Phillies at historic Ebbets Field. It was broadcast on NBC, but it wasn’t the game that was historic. It was what happened before the first pitch. Watch manufacturer Bulova aired the first TV commercial ever at a price of $9. Since then everything around us has become visual. According to WebDam, 84% of communications were visual in 2018. Ads, work communications, text messages, social media posts are all visual in nature, and we maybe even laugh a little when we see “missed call” on our phones. With all that we have now, what is the future of visual communication?

  1. Video marketing: According to Wordstream, internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic. With 82% of marketers saying they use video, you can expect to see unique ways to engage consumers with content that is visually appealing. On the B2B side, LinkedIn has jumped in with video advertising options and seems to favor that type of content based on my experiences posting static and video content. I would expect to see more video enabled marketing in 2019.
  2. **Customer Experience: **there has been an increased premium placed on creating an experience more than just a product. Businesses could do well to integrate a screen recorder and snipping tool product like CloudApp to add a quick video note to a message and add tone and volume to a improve what would have been a standard email message. I also continually look for video demonstrations or instructions before and after I buy a product. Adding visuals can be a nice way to improve customer experience.
  3. Collaboration tools: Slack, Trello, CloudApp, Adobe Experience Cloud, and Lucidchart provide a great visual communication opportunity for Sales, developers, marketing teams, and customer support to get notes across more efficiently and to be interpreted correctly. These are also great tools that promote visual communication to connect global teams. These will continue to grow and be a functional foundation for enterprise level and small level business in the future.

We live in an increasingly competitive and visual world. As we embark on 2019 look to incorporate more visual connections with your consumers. That can be done with internal and external tools or through video and imagery in marketing. It may cost you a bit more than what Bulova paid in 1941, but visual marketing and collaboration can be a key to creating that customer experience that everyone cares about.