Adobe Analytics Cloud Now Powers Deeper Insights into Customer Engagement

Despite the ever-grow­ing vol­ume of data, com­pa­nies still strug­gle with get­ting a true view into the cus­tomer jour­ney – from prospect to pur­chase. High con­sumer expec­ta­tions, cou­pled with the ever-grow­ing amount of con­tent your com­pa­ny is cre­at­ing, along with the screens you need to deliv­er that con­tent to, the online trail gets con­fus­ing fast. While deep analy­sis is the key to dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing from your com­pe­ti­tion, the expe­ri­ences you are deliv­er­ing, based on a com­plete view of the cus­tomer path, is what can make a one-time cus­tomer a long-time customer.

At Adobe Sum­mit, we debuted new inno­va­tions in Adobe Ana­lyt­ics Cloud to give data sci­en­tists and busi­ness ana­lysts a way to map cus­tomer jour­neys more accu­rate­ly than ever before. Build­ing on Adobe Ana­lyt­ics’ lead­er­ship in the indus­try, this new release intro­duces deep­er insights with Jour­ney IQ and new Ana­lyt­ics inte­gra­tions with Adobe Adver­tis­ing Cloud, as well as Peo­ple-Based Des­ti­na­tions in Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er. Now brands can acti­vate their audi­ence data with­in major social plat­forms for the first time lever­ag­ing a Data Man­age­ment Plat­form (DMP).

“The process of stitch­ing togeth­er a consumer’s offline and online inter­ac­tions to under­stand them holis­ti­cal­ly remains a major chal­lenge for brands. It hin­ders their abil­i­ty to pro­vide con­sis­tent, com­pelling, and con­tin­u­ous expe­ri­ences regard­less of where and when a cus­tomer engages,” said Jeff Allen, senior direc­tor, prod­uct mar­ket­ing, Adobe Ana­lyt­ics Cloud. “With these new indus­try-first capa­bil­i­ties in Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, organ­i­sa­tions will get a more com­plete pic­ture of the entire cus­tomer jour­ney – instantaneously.”

New features in Adobe Analytics include:

New features in Adobe Audience Manager include:

Read about all the lat­est inno­va­tions in Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud from Adobe Sum­mit 2019. Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud is the industry’s only end-to-end solu­tion for expe­ri­ence cre­ation, mar­ket­ing, adver­tis­ing, ana­lyt­ics, and com­merce. Unlike lega­cy enter­prise plat­forms with sta­t­ic, siloed cus­tomer pro­files, Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud helps com­pa­nies deliv­er con­sis­tent, con­tin­u­ous and com­pelling expe­ri­ences across cus­tomer touch­points and channels—all while accel­er­at­ing busi­ness growth. Indus­try ana­lysts have named Adobe a leader in over 20 major reports focused on experience—more than any oth­er tech­nol­o­gy company.