Female Creatives Are Just Getting Started: The Ladies of Weekend Creative
International Women’s Month is over, but let’s continue to elevate creative women every chance we get.
Let’s be real, a month is not enough time to celebrate all the incredible accomplishments and contributions of women – so let’s break the rules – we’re celebrating creative women every chance we get.
First up, meet a young creative duo who took their personal vision board and turned it into a business.
Weekend Creative is a California based creative agency that specializes in beautifully-fun photography, print, and digital content.
Back in the day** **
Founders, Arabela Espinoza, and Elle Mitchell both had a unique career journey that ultimately led them to found Weekend Creative.
Arabela found her creative gene as a kid practicing different forms of art in after-school programs. A polaroid class became the origin story of her love for photography, and she nurtured this skill as she moved on to college and pursued a degree in advertising.
Co-founder, Elle, also had the creative itch. In her youth, she loved crafts, but aside from that, she was a natural businesswoman. She put her artistic eye and leadership skills to work pursuing a degree in graphic design. Elle eventually returned to her roots and found love in producing editorial shoots and art direction.
Toast and jam** **
Elle and Arabela worked together
“Arabela brings positivity, fearlessness, and drive – Elle is a strong leader, imaginative, and good a great problem-solving.”
Give imposter syndrome the finger
Like most women in the creative space, Imposter syndrome definitely showed it faces, but these ladies didn’t let that stop them from taking the leap. With all the competition in the industry, it’s easy to feel nervous about getting lost in the shuffle, but Weekend Creative found success in honesty.
“You kind of just have to wing it sometimes, and that’s the only way you’ll learn,” says Arabela. There’s authenticity in realness, and sometimes not being an expert in all things can make you stand out.
Finding love in local businesses
They say it takes a village – and for this team, local businesses and community referrals became their secret weapon.
The community is a huge inspiration behind their mission statement, and the founders take pride in working with small business owners and brands in order to help each other thrive in a competitive environment. Connecting and collaborating is what makes Weekend Creative a unique and thoughtful creative resource.
Making Weekend Creative a community
Weekend Creative has just recently celebrated their 1 year anniversary in early 2019 and has open their first studio, “Little Sunday” in the South Bay Area.
What’s next for this lady duo? Expanding the community. The founders, Elle and Arabela hope to build a creative hub servicing unique businesses and brands – and the rest is a secret.
Want to learn more? Check out their website and follow Weekend Creative and Little Sunday Studio on Instagram and share your thoughts using #creativecloud #adobedesign.